I’d like to see him in a straight jacket bouncing off padded walls by this afternoon.
Perfect…and with the same expression cats have at moments like that. Thank you.
Like that rule means a damn thing these days!
I know some people said it would never happen. We’ve seen a lot of things that have never happened before, so why not this? Reinstate Crozier. His crew and most of the rest of the Navy would be grateful and happy, and it would definitely improve morale, especially after this incident and the pardoning of Gallagher.
He makes the Navy proud.
First things first. Restore the Captain to active status while he heals.
This would not be the first officer who had his career ended by doing the right thing, or something that needed to be done. To a certain extent, it strikes me that the process of advancing through the senior ranks is a very political proposition that requires both solid judgment and a bit of good luck.
Crozier forgot the first rule of military promotion - kiss up, kick down - when he put the health and safety of his crew ahead of his career.
Esper Won’t Rule Out Reinstating Fired Navy Captain Amid Probe Into Controversial Ouster
Well…originally he supported the “tough” decision. What has changed? Did he just discovered that Modly is a “kiss-up,kick-down” @$$hole?
That is the thing, he either gets his command back or he is effectively out of the navy, he cannot just hang around, and he cannot be promoted if he was relieved from command; and in the Navy it’s up or out, they can only have so many captains and there are many junior ass-kissers that need promotion.
Lookin’ for love in all the wrong places.
BUT in Joe’s cabinet.
I’d say they just discovered that they made a YUGE mistake. They miscalculated public opinion.
Notice, they are laying it all at Moldy’s feet, when you KNOW donnie was behind this.
My guess is that unlike Esper, Captain Crozier knows the honor code.
Since Esper (and his class mate Mike “nose firmly planted in Trump’s ass” Pompeo) don’t seem to remember it it is: “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
The article omits an important factor. Modly claimed that Crozier released his memo to the media, and this was the ostensible reason Crozier was removed. So, if the investigation proves that Crozier did not release the memo, or fails to prove that he did, then that would be a good part of the basis for reinstating him.
Read the title and you know already it’s Borowitz.
Gotta love him.
Apparently, they believe that once you’ve been promoted, all bets are off.
might be a precedent; weren’t exceptions made for Mattis and a few of those generals earlier?
seem to remember something like that…
The Trump Administration is like a whirling dervish, without the physical and spiritual balance. Indeed, the Trumpsters are uniquely unbalanced.