Epstein Lawyers: ‘We Are Not Satisfied With The Conclusions Of The Medical Examiner’ | Talking Points Memo

Lawyers for Jeffrey Epstein said Friday that they were “not satisfied with the conclusions of the medical examiner” that Jeffrey Epstein had died of suicide by hanging in jail a week ago.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1243328

Epstein “paid numerous lawyers to visit the jail for as many as 12 hours a day.”

Epstein paid to spend 12 hours a day with lawyers?!?

He really was sick.


I thought they had Michael Baden attending the autopsy… or at least doing a followup. What does he have to say.


Epstein’s lawyers could solve a lot of doubt with this by opening up any documents they have of Epstein’s to the press, but I’m sure they’re happy billing his estate for the next decade, gumming up the works, slow walking any investigations and preventing a quick justice that his victims deserve.


Yeah, given the circumstances, I’d want a private investigation as well. Nothing about this case looks right and I sure as hell don’t trust Barr to run an honest investigation. Maybe Epstein committed suicide but, without the confirmation of a private medical examiner, no one should be sure of any conclusions coming from the DOJ about his death.


The fact that he had teams of lawyers tells me that he had every intention of using his money to get out again with another slap on the wrist. Suicide doesn’t enter into that.


Went looking for more information. This is some of what turned up.


Apparently prisoners do this to get out of their cells…so not necessarily crazy.


The only way the Feds (Barr’s DoJ) can regain any semblance of credibility is by continuing full-bore with investigations into Epstein’s actions while alive, and all of his powerful and wealthy accomplices, sparing no one. His many victims should be heard and given the opportunity to find justice -something they were deprived of in the past due to Epstein’s money and connections.

While I can certainly believe it was suicide, an independent investigation into Epstein’s death should be conducted.


Among other things, Epstein’s attorneys are demanding access to the videos of the hallways near Epstein’s cell. That is a legitimate thing to ask.


I’d have tried to make friends with a mouse or a rat.


Epstein “committed suicide” just like Jamal Khashoggi did. We all know Jamal also dismembered himself after killing himself. Epstein strangled himself rather than hanging; happens ALL the time.


For sure!

Or, even a spider or a cockroach, if necessary.


The nytimes article that the BI article links to has better detail. But neither article addresses the question:

HOW THE FUCK does an inmate recently on suicide watch not have a cellmate???


I’d have become expert with toilet paper spitballs. Can you imagine the mathematical games and problems his mind devised with the number of cinder blocks in his cell?


There was never a definitive explanation about the first episode. His lawyers said he was roughed up.
Then there was the report in addition to his lawyers there every day so he wouldn’t have to sit in his cell, the mystery young woman to see him. They also went into the room where he met with lawyers and were there for 2 hours according to another lawyer visiting a client. The examiner’s office may think this clears it all up, but I don’t think so. There were too many unusual occurrences at the facility.


I have questions and doubts about this entire situation, but I couldn’t give a shit what the lawyers who helped this guy take advantage of every available loophole think or say.


Are our 401K’s linked to Epstein’s lawyer fees?

What they’re pissed about is they were counting on Epstein as the cash cow revenue generator for their firm for at least two years.


The biggest financial losers in Epstein’s death are the lawyers who no longer have a client to bill. Many were relying in Epstein to finance their third and fourth homes, eighth and ninth cars, and maybe even a sixth or seventh mistress.