Nobody I know finds that at all ok.
@mattinpa - (palms forehead) of course! hahahahahaha
Update: This is going really well. Should we also be saying, “Everything Jared Touches Dies” as well? Who could have predicted this, except just about everyone?
I’d rather be hearing about the inter communications between trump, Giullinai, his Ukraine team and Pence during the same time frame.
Who could have foreseen that sending chimps on quaaludes to defuse that bomb wouldn’t have worked out.
Rapture Republicans will be ecstatic.
That was just another attempt by the Liberal Gulf Stream Weather trying to catch trump in a gotcha moment and the failing NOAA trying to cover it up. Nobody knows more about hurricane trajectories than trump. He’s very powerful on low-pressure weather systems.
*with a black Sharpie
OT but enablers have to be named and shamed. And the more sanctimoniously side-of the-angels they pretend to be, the more they need it.
As much as I detest Trump, I loathe his enablers so much more. There’s no President Trump without his cult following.
Just wow! hahahahaha
In Vietnam I often got attached to a company that had a Gunny Rush as their company gunny. We found a booby trapped 105 round that needed to be disarmed by EOD (I said fuck it just blow it) but Gunny Rush decided to do it himself. I immediately gave him a wide berth. Sure enough he blew himself up. He was born to have that name and death.
That’s easy.
Party before country.
“Your” a history teacher…Arrrrghhhhhhh dammit it all to hell!
No that was a signature
like Your Wife, xxxxxx She was his history teacher; not that he is a history teacher.
That’s how I read it.
Looks OK to me?
Oh I see what you mean. Was he, ever? He was a college prexy at one point, I recall.
ETA Wiki says he taught part time but doesn’t say what, and he has degrees in history, but also in other things, so I still think she’s admonishing him as a (wildly honored) history teacher herself. He never seems to have taught full time.
Shouldn’t that be “You’re” a history teacher?
No there isn’t an “a” there. It’s - Signed: Your history teacher
Oh, OK…thank you, I missed that.
History teacher! You’re a history teacher!