Yeah, I’m starting to wonder about the criteria for choosing clerks myself. Is this something that each Justice does for themselves, or do 6 of them now let Leonard Leo choose for them?
So there is a god of “choosing things”.
I was expressing my emotions.
As for policies I support, I am 100% against chain gangs, solitary confinement, capital punishment, and other forms of barbary that civilized countries elsewhere seem able to do without.
The stock is today still trading at $16 and change, which is about 7 bucks more than its cash value, which is all they’ll get if the company is liquidated. Unbelievable.
Whyn’t we just leave him outstanding (or out, standing) in his field?
Only the best sycophants.
How entirely unsurprising. Via Political Wire comments.
Judge in MI who voted to block the abortion referendum from going on the ballot paid for an abortion 40 years ago.
Not on Twitter, but it worked for me.
Like a scarecrow?
Good for whoever accidentally sent the link.
Eastman can rot. Nothing shouts guilty like being told your argument is built on lies, here is one, then moving forward with the lie you were just told about, okay, how do we get this pile into our case?
You can’t fix stupid ! You can be send one-time URL’s to pass documents to 3rd parties you trust. It just takes a bit more care than Eastman’s attorneys are mustering right now.
You’d think that being 100% opposed to the things you say you’re opposed to would make you think twice about putting up an image of one of the very things you oppose. But that’s just me.
OT but it’s politics
Cops armed with guns and tasers guarding drop boxes pointedly questioning voters. You get less security in a bank.
Trust no one, Mr. Mulder.
Pretty sure he would resist to the point of being whipped. Not that I have a problem with that.
Liz: Let’s leave the Dropbox link open.
1/6 Dems: We can do that? That’s not how things are done. We should alert them.
And I hate Liz Cheney
This is really ratcheting up the crazy. The sheriffs are taking video and sharing it with no law enforcement?
Don’t know about video or sharing but the LEO are doing what elections folk should be doing at voting polls on election day. Only without guns and tasers.This is nuts. Any competent election run on paper ballots should include examining the ballot prior to counting it. Here in Pima county we get to watch the whole process. Quite boring really. No cops needed. We just have observers on site from the various parties watching everything.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a LEO at my polling place, certainly not inside nor outside. But hey I live in the burbs. We only had in person voting. It wasn’t until COVID that they set up early in person, no excuse needed voting.
I’ve said it before, but two times with the longest lines were 2008 and 2012. Even then it was orderly, and friendly as we snaked down one hallway and back up the hallway. The only time things got a little interesting is when some guy’s girlfriend brought him McDonalds to eat in line, and the smell was making us all hungry. Some joked with him if his girlfriend would do a fry run for some folks.
But again this is in the 'burbs.
I voted in the same place until covid came along. Now I do early voting and I take my ballot to our county recorder’s office so I know damn well my vote is safe. We can check on line as well that it has been verified and counted as mine was. Over 100,000 votes have come in early here and that’s a good thing. Not one ballot has been rejected so far as being improper. Every ballot is hand inspected. You can watch the boring process by the link I posted. This is real transparency by state law.
What’s shocking is that anyone still believes attorneys even have ethics.