the failure of the Gore team in 2000 to focus on the real deadline early enough was a clear mistake.
We foolishly thought Republicans would count the votes, not try and not to. It’s what you get for believing in a united country.
the failure of the Gore team in 2000 to focus on the real deadline early enough was a clear mistake.
We foolishly thought Republicans would count the votes, not try and not to. It’s what you get for believing in a united country.
Without the impeachment process Nixon would never have left.
Hard disagree.
Republican Senators went to Nixon and told they had more than enough votes to convict him.
Their efforts worked.
Problem is that unless the person is patently obviously wrong, there’s no way to tell until they’ve been in office for a minute. We should get a probationary period and another vote afterward.
Yes. Roger Mudd led off CBS News on Tuesday, August 6, 1974: “Today, the Republican Party gave up on Richard Nixon.” Rhodes, Scott and Goldwater told Nixon he had single-digit Senate support for acquittal.
And it isn’t as if we, the majority of voters for Hillary, didn’t beg them to choose the better candidate.
There are stories that Trump ate some documents instead of just tearing them up. Makes me wonder if they were replies to these types of documents saying “I love it, go ahead.”
Yes, I know this intellectually, I’m just frustrated that the GOP version of 1/6 is being cemented in the minds of a portion of the country while the good guys are relying on the procedures and institutions of a pre-FOX media environment to “win” the argument while losing the messaging war.
I’d like to see them walk and chew gum at the same time – there is a large portion of this they could move forward on, which then would set the stage for March or April.
Of course, the committee has a panoramic view of the process – it just seems to me that members of the legislature often have an inflated view of the reach of their own actions. Once information like this is published in the papers of record it is no longer “news,” while at this moment, when it is news, it has the potential to be disseminated the most widely. And my fear is that this potential is being squandered.
“In conclusion, it appears that voting by an alternative slate of electors is unproblematic in Arizona and Wisconsin; slightly problematic in Michigan (requiring access to the senate chamber); somewhat dicey in Georgia and Pennsylvania in the event that one or more electors don’t attend (require gubernatorial ratification of alternates); and very problematic in Nevada (given the role accorded to the Secretary of State).”
And totally ridiculous in New Mexico, where that former guy LOST by some 100,000 votes, out of just under a million cast. But the Republican Party of New Mexico sent in their slate of fake electors anyway. Why not?? It’s always been okay when a Republican does it!
That portion won’t believe the truth about J6 no matter what happens.
It’s everyone else who is the target of the televised hearings.
Remember that the Watergate hearings took place more than a year after the event, and that Nixon didn’t resign until two years after the event.
There is not one person who is not a Trumper who is having their mind changed by anything the GOP is saying. I don’t understand the things you worry about - Trumpers gonna Trump - can’t worry about the crazy. The rest of the country isn’t buying it.
What’s the problem with ripping up (or even eating) a document? There are plenty of legitimate examples throughout modern history where a governing group decided to destroy or not even keep records, for the sake of their citizenry. The Nazis, the Stasi, various mob bosses, etc., all followed the less-is-more path in regards to documentation. Trump is just the latest in a long line.
I hope you’re right. It is hard to gauge things here in California – you probably have a better sense of the mood outside of Deep Blue.
They thought black people and women didn’t deserve all sorts of rights. And I don’t give a shit about the justification “They were men of their times”. They’re lauded for having foresight, and being super geniuses when it came to designing a republic. The Constitution is forever praised as a great document that stands the test of time.
Yet these Founding Fathers were blind to the rights of women and Blacks. Screw 'em.
“My friend, Jefferson’s an American saint because he wrote the words, “All men are created equal.” Words he clearly didn’t believe, since he allowed his own children to live in slavery. He was a rich wine snob who was sick of paying taxes to the Brits. So yeah, he wrote some lovely words and aroused the rabble, and they went out and died for those words, while he sat back and drank his wine and fucked his slave girl. This guy wants to tell me we’re living in a community. Don’t make me laugh. I’m living in America, and in America, you’re on your own. America’s not a country. It’s just a business. Now fucking pay me.”
Yes, but that’s not a guarantee that during the entire process of an impeachment and trial, that he wouldn’t have found a way to put the squeeze on. Didn’t happen, so can’t know either way.
Thus, the history of the actual impeachment powers when actually used has resulted in zero presidential convictions.
When Nixon left office, even with all the evidence of his collusion in the cover-up etc., he still had support of about 28% of the country.
TBF: It’s hard to separate “the media” from the society in which it operates; I think it’s fair to say: we are the problem. A comfortable, bored, self-indulgent, bunch of entitled, lazy, ignorant, overly well-armed, bunch of fooking morons. We have ceased to be a serious nation.
Well all I can say from here on the tiny blue island in the deep red sea is that nothing has changed, it’s the same as always. Nobody has seceded, there are no armed militia in the streets, nobody even open carries since the Gimp made it legal. It’s all the same, except for the people who are utterly disgusted with our neighbors who were insurrectionists.
Same people don’t wear masks who never wore them but they don’t say a word or give you a side eye if you wear yours.