Dr. Fauci Refutes Trump’s Denial Of Medical Supply Shortage: ‘It Is Happening’ | Talking Points Memo

During Saturday’s White House briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, pushed back against President Donald Trump’s refusal to admit doctors battling the COVID-19 outbreak are running out of medical supplies.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1298908

God I hope Fauci stays healthy. I don’t know if he can do more for the country working for Trump or walking out the door - whatever works best, I hope he does it.


OT. Sorry if someone already posted this:

The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the coronavirus spreads through the United States.


Thank you, Dr. Fauci.

Donnie’s self-promoting bullshit needs to be shut down, as forcefully, repeatedly, and truthfully as possible.


Trump must be absolutely livid when Fauci contradicts him. What keeps Trump from firing him?


I don’t give Dr. Fauci another week - before he’s either kept from these ‘Promotional Events’ or summarily dismissed. Seriously.


“We’ve also gotten tremendous reviews from a lot of people that can’t believe how fast it’s coming.”

“It” being the apocalypse.


Plunging poll data…


Dr. Fauci is far more valuable to us from inside this shitshow. We all know that that fat liar would like nothing more than to fire him but he doesn’t dare.

Meanwhile, we’ve reached more than 25, 000 cases, leapfrogging over both Iran and Germany in the past 24 hours. Just imagine what the numbers would be if everyone who needed a test today, got a test today.



Self-preservation. I’m sure by now someone’s explained it to him in simple words, like “If you fire Tony, the Stock Market dies.”


There are two aspects to the medical supply shortage that are creating the risk of a much longer recession.

  1. PPE. Every time a Covid-19 test is taken PPE is consumed and we don’t have enough. There are massive shortages, high demand, and no confidence that the federal gov’t is going to do anything about it. Listening to Cuomo’s press conferences reminds me so much of so many MASH episodes back in the day. Every episode seemed to involve these doctors at the war front using ingenuity in the face of scarcity to save lives. That’s Cuomo every single day. That’s every county official every day. County officials are scrounging for PPE and spend hours figuring out how and where to allocate and distribute.

The problem is that unless you test asymptomatic or lightly symptomatic folks, you won’t ever get control of the virus and you won’t be able to re-open the economy. The lack of PPE in this crucial period can extend the recession to 2 full quarters or more. It will also overwhelm the hospital system. Our daily death rate could be like Italy’s, and it will be worse if this thing penetrates deep into middle and rural America (hint: the virus is already there).

  1. Reagents and Testing related PPE. Reagents and swabs for test kits are in short supply even as test kits are growing in supply. The public health labs are burdened by the crappy CDC test kits which suck. FDA is only belatedly supporting some private company test kits which use automated testing which can process more and don’t rely on CDC garbage kits. They can’t produce enough of them to meet demand in the short term period that we need it to avoid a lengthier recession. We really could use a massive importation of such devices from China, South Korea and the W.H.O. Trump/Pence don’t have that kind of creativity and they’ll never allow Governors to go around the FDA as Trump wants the American co’s to make the money (and the co that Jared and his brother are invested in).

The lack of testing caused the recession. The continuing bottlenecks on testing will exacerbate and lengthen the recession and break the health care system into pieces.


Trump will never, ever allow anyone to criticize/contradict him; Fauci will be fired if he continues to tell the truth. Trump knows this virus is now out of control because of his utter lack of competence and his insatiable ego. He will now pull out all the stops to remain in power. Fauci is a good man, a qualified professional and an honest physician…all those will work against him when dealing with Trump.


But the Dotard told us there would be zero new cases by this weekend. Did he spew fake news?


I think when Dr. Fauci gets underbussed he should be replaced with Dr. Freud.


Why does Donnie have to come to the podium?? He f_cks up everything. Leave it to the experts and the professionals. His ego needs are totally f_cked!


Tremendous reviews
A lot of people
Can’t believe
How fast it’s coming.

Damn. If he’d said “sir” it would have been a one-sentence word salad Bingo.


This is why it should be of the highest priority to get the volume of tests necessary to test every single person in this country ASAP, at least twice, and preferably even more than 3 times over! This is a fucking national emergency, and i have not witnessed even the remotest movement from anyone in the WH that suggests they recognize this fact!


“We’ve also gotten tremendous reviews from a lot of people that can’t believe how fast it’s coming,” Trump said.

Just like his “Sir” fantasies, this is such obvious bullshit. It’s pathetic.


As it is, coming from him, it’s word diarrhea.


This is why we need not just a shadow President, but a real President. But when you don’t have a real President, a shadow will have to do.