It’s been reported that three unnamed individuals posted his bail.
"Attention, liBtardic denizens of the Talking Points Memo uNIVERSe Behold, for I, the celestial 20th responder, have DesCended to this sacred realm! Like a SuperNOVA bursting forth in the vast cosmos of COMMEnt secTIONS, my arrival is marked by an aura of unparalleled BriLLANCE and Wisdom Let the heavens rejoice, for this digital tapestry of words shall forever BeAR the indelible IMPRINT of my extraordinary presence!
Oh, fellow respondents, gaze upon ME, the chosen champioN of cogitation, whose formidable intellect HAS aLIGNED TO forM a symphony of unparalleled insight ResOUNDING with THE thunder of a THOUSAD NUCLEAR ExploSIONS. Rejoice, ye DEMONRATS, for in this hallowed gathering, I AM BECOME the guardian of Enlightenment, the ShininG Beacon of astute analysis AND eloquence!
BeHOLD soME sorT of DAL-E created CAT picture. If you Are IgnoranT of supepee, YOU wallow in A shallow pOOL oFmediocrity.
Not in CA, but I’d be pleased with either Schiff or Porter. Porter likely was not in her element on the Maher show, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
What is it about a “well regulated militia” these judges skip.
He should hurry.
Then, science’ll have to reconsider that round Earth hypothesis, don’tcha think?
Of course he does. He’s smugly gloating somewhere
Anderson Cooper Badly Misses The Point
He sure does. I have enjoyed much of Anderson Cooper’s work – but covering for your employer’s disgraceful display of sycophancy sullies a good reputation. CNN must cover TFG because he remains a threat to our system of governance. Coverage need not be an amplification of that threat. As always - it’s not what you do but how you do it.
Interesting. Surely this largesse will be reported on his taxes as income, no?
ETA: I want to know the same about Clarence Thomas.
So, given Global Kitty’s orientation there, that would make Hawaii…ewwww
I disagree. It’s Maher’s show, so it was definitely Maher’s fault.
I no longer watch Maher. He’s become a crotchety old man.
Not really because it is not income. Bail is refunded when the accused appears in court.
Dunno about that – my cat has no problems twisting himself into a 360° ball.
CNN obviously screwed up. They broadcast a poorly executed event which was planned and designed for the wrong reasons. However, the bigger point is that CNN, along with the major public and private institutions, is simply unprepared to deal with powerful bad faith actors like Mr. Trump. This is especially true when he has the backing of something llike 15-25% of the voting population and one of the major political parties. Also, the MSM is loathe to admit that somewhere between 15%-25% of the U.S. voting population are hardcore misogynists, bigots and racists.
I saw her a few weeks ago on Colbert and she did fine.
These monsters would point to the children’s crusade as a model of a well regulated militia.
Fun fact: I’m still banned from donating blood because they think I might have Mad Cow Disease.
Not if they bonded him out, which is usually 10% or so. $50,000 is easier to come up with than $500,000
A federal judge in Virginia has declared unconstitutional a set of laws and regulations that prohibit federally licensed firearms dealers from selling handguns to 18-to-20-year-olds, finding that the measures violated the Second Amendment
There’s no enumerated right to purchase a gun. 2A only says “keep and bear”
this explains much
(sorry, can’t pass up a straight line like that)