DOJ Moves to Dismiss Trump January 6 Case

What “rationalization” have I performed here?

But for the votes of 77 million Americans, trump would die in prison. The system was working, yet democracy ended up prevailing.

And so it goes.


the prospects of Trump ever facing accountability extremely unlikely

All you need to know.


Fox News viewers and consumers of the right wing media ecosystem.

“Why is the judicial system so rigged and unfair against Trump?”

The same people: “Crime is rampant!” “Why is our criminal justice system so soft on offenders?” (BTW Neither are true).


This was utterly predictable and predicted, like 3 years ago. While knowledgable DC commentators and “experienced lawyers” assured us that the legal process was proceeding as it should-must and that the wheels of law would turn slow but sure (according to genteel, white-shoe schedule so no one’s feathers would be ruffled), everyone with eyes to see knew that more purpose and urgency and focus had to be summoned. But the pearl clutchers won out instead. Thanks law, it was good to know you.


I made my decision to immigrate to Belize just about a year ago. It wasn’t because I was worried that tRump might get elected again, it really didn’t matter. What mattered was that he was even being considered as a candidate for the office, with right at 50% of voters supporting the idea. Those kind of numbers show systemic rot that is not going to be cured, America will fade away, dissolve into nation states, whatever. Bread and Circuses along with religious jingoism prevailed and I wanted no further part in it. And my gentle advice to readers here is to think about it, consider the actual numbers and decide if fighting idiocy is even worth it. There are places in the world that are so much better, maybe get out while you can


On what date do you posit that prosecutors had gathered sufficient evidence to indict trump and obtain a conviction? And could you please be specific about what that evidence consisted of?


Merrick the Mild will never let those reports surface.


We unindicted the motherfucker.

Sorry to have to acknowledge this, @tena, @mattinpa and others.


And now this… (gift link)


This is truly tragic.

After everything we’ve seen, Trump managed to be rewarded for committing some of the most treasonous acts in American history.

Every supposed guardrail to prevent tyranny in this country has proven to be a farce. Judges are biased and have lifetime appointments with the only way out being a Senate impeachment and conviction which is never going to happen. People have shown they only care about themselves and don’t care how incompetent or dangerous someone is to run the government. They just want things to cost less and don’t care who is in power.

Years ago, we thought the GOP was heading towards extinction with their base being replaced more by more minorities when it’s actually Dems that are on the verge of going extinct. There are barely any Senate seats we can challenge in 2026 and it looks like nobody wants to put up a fight for the red states. We’re losing Hispanic voters more than ever as GOP knows how to target their fears now and they’re not a unified bloc that cares about the troubles that other Hispanics face. The idea that we’re going to win overwhelmingly with Suburban white women keeps getting thrown back in our face along with the idea that states like Texas are soon to be in play. Dem party has got to get back to economic hardships as its main focus again and explain it in a short and simple way that’s repeated endlessly.

If we don’t get back a decent chunk of the high school level educated voters, we’re screwed for good.


Thieson wants to be the dotards press sec.


Hostile takeover.



*Jeebus F-ing Christ On A Cracker!


We built this. We showed, by our respect for due process and our adherence to the rhythm of jurisprudence that we can’t run down a scoundrel like Trump. Our systems never contemplated these circumstances.
Now the Right thinks it has found its new path to durable power, and we are still tapping our feet to that old rhythm, hoping that when Donald Trump dies so will this madness.
It won’t unless we break some things. Sad but true, we have to have the same passion for what’s right as Tom Homan does. Same as Stephen Miller and Jr. and Fredo. No more asymmetrical bullshit matchups because we think that is going to carry the day for us. It won’t. Jack Smith did the right thing. But the right thing isn’t helping us now. We can’t run down scoundrels if we set ourselves up for failure.


No. Just. Hell. No. Joe must not become Jerry 2.


Democrats have effectively made Trump above the law. That’s on them.


I hope it gets released to all of us.


Thanks Meek Merrick … because you dragged your feet for nearly TWO YEARS (Jack Smith wasn’t appointed until November 2022), Trump escaped a trial before the election … Garland wasn’t playing 3-dimensional chess, as some folks deluded themselves into believing, he was simply a timid man afraid to act at a critical moment in history.


I absolutely fucking hate this.


“He could still be prosecuted. He hasn’t gotten away with anything yet. Yet.”
– Sen. Mitch McConnell, Evil Incarnate

Is it yet yet? Yeah.