This was my first thought as well. The parallels that are developing here are chilling.
I wonder how many people will actually turn out, and how many accidental shootings there will be.
@LiberalDemocrat : the reporter was quoting the Capitol Police newsletter, in which Farrakhan was called a ‘race-baiter’. When someone quotable makes the same statement about Ritzheimer, that will give reporters leeway to make the same kind of quote. In the meantime, with his level of success and the aspirations of his followers, we’ll refer to Ritzheimer as a master baiter.
(Side note - I remember listening to the speeches at the original Million Man March and being quite moved. Then Farrakhan tried equating ‘atone’ with ‘A tone’, the 440 hertz signal and 440 years of slavery in America and the whole thing went off the rails. He seemed better as an organizer and soundbite speaker than an orator.)
terrorism: (noun) the use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals
(Emphasis added)
One day, these fascists will head out for some “protesting”, only to be met by a bunch of 2nd-amendment loving muslims guarding their mosques with firearms.
And then… magically everybody on the right will be in favor of “intelligent” gun control. Sorta like when the Black Panthers exercised their right to open carry in the California Capitol back in the 60’s.
Sounds like it’s time for a few “rings of peace” to show these nice fellows how real patriots defend First Amendment rights.
At which point the local sheriff and his boys will show up to arrest the muslims on terrorism charges.
I can see the crafty counter-demonstrators in Dearborn parking a food truck across the street, with free samples of Middle East food, and wraps in exchange for placards.
Proud Merkins, one and all!
One more thing to make Americans nervous: Creepy white men with guns.
Ritzheimer couldn’t organize a two car funeral. This should be interesting but we all know one day soon shots will be fired and it’s anybody’s guess who will be the victims.
Arrest? I believe you mean shoot on sight in self-defense. After all, the police did probably feel “threatened”…
If your brain shriveled up the size of a raisin first, you’d be first in line for Speaker of the House in the Republican Party these days. So there’s that too.
What could be more anti-American? The religious (Christianists) attacking those who are non-believers by attempting to enact laws that follow the dictates of their Bible and not the Constitution. That’s what…
Love that photo haha. I’d pay decent money to watch a Muslim guy laugh in this idiot’s face for an hour while he fumes in impotent rage.
/Will they all be wearing matching brown shirts?
Have another cup o’ Joe.
“The newsletter’s language was harshest when referring to Farrakhan, who the letter said has been described as “incendiary, antagonistic, confrontational” and a “race-baiter,” according to the report.”
The author of this article is quoting a news article that quotes a newsletter. The author of this article is pointing out the extremist language of the LE newsletter.
The Capital Police said similar things about the Million Man March 20 years ago. BTW, what does Black Lives Matter have to do with NOI’s march?
I am so tired of having pundits and politicians whitesplain issues of the African American Community then get scared and/or outraged when African Americans take highly visible steps towards dealing with those issues. It happened 20 years ago, and it’s happening again today.
John Ritzheimer, aka Pam Geller’s pool boy, is the latest idiot to find some notoriety in peddling hate. He needs to take his ass back to that dark corner he was hiding in after his first protest.
I wonder what their reaction would be if these muslims are also armed and waiting for them the muslims knowing these guys are violent loons will have every excuse to stand their ground if they feel threatened … wouldn’t they??
I love how the bottom-feeding white trash lumpenproletariat scum, each of them a loser at life since the day they were born, think the accident of their skin color makes them superior to anything. This Ritzheimer turd got kicked out of the Marines - to be awful enough for that to happen has to be pretty awful.