
We cannot condemn the South without condemning the nation.

Difference between Left and Right in the US right here - yes you can condemn it, but then you have to own it, learn from it, fix it, and grow as a people. Same reason why they are stuck in the past and love when Trump refuses to apologize for being a complete ass.



They moved all the ISIS cakes down to the undergound passages to feed the Jade Helm soldiers.


Can I really get an ISIS cake at Walmart?

Some grizzled Confederate flag supporter got pissed off because the bakery at Walmart wouldn’t make him a Confederate flag cake, so he took in a picture of an ISIS flag and, without identifying it or explaining what it was, asked them to make it. They did, and now ZOMG Obama Secret Mooslin!

Walmart claimed the bakery person didn’t know what the ISIS flag was and, having shopped at Walmart too many times myself, I can totally believe that.


It was like there was a big barrel full of common racist statements written on note cards and he was pulling them out randomly, one by one, and reading them.

@SeanMalloy …But only now that there are so many GOPers to pick from. I suspect his ceiling is low as the candidates get tossed from the clown car, unfortunately for Dems.

Senator…and I use that term while suppressing my own vomit at the joke of a political system we have in this nation…but I digress…

Senator…you are a stupid, stupid, stupid, dare I say stupid, man.

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“We can rally together and talk about a flag all we want but the devil is taking control of this land and we’re not stopping him!”

It used to be hilarious when Flip Wilson would do his “The devil made me do it!!” routine.

I find myself laughing at this cretin, but not because he’s funny.

“We ask God to help us,

Maybe she is helping you or trying to. This is God’s will.

Ever think of that?


Sen (not-too)Bright, is a couple of filaments short of being a regular bulb…Dim bulb is more like it.


License stores are going under left and right these days.


Some confedsymp teabagger duped a kid working for minimum wage at WalMart into making an ISIS flag.

How manly!


This is not ‘defending’ the confederate battle flag.

This is whining.

Typical Teabaggery.


Birth certificate is Lester, but that wasn’t working for him on the hypocorism.

This is the term used in the Declaration of Independence. I took the opportunity to re-read this magnificent document this weekend, and it’s simply thrilling.

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You probably know there are websites devoted to “Wal-Mart people” in all their obese splendor and minimal clothing, but let’s look at these two shoppers for a moment and thank dog we don’t know them…



I’ll bet when Bright was in elementary school he claimed that the dog ate his homework at least once.

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It would be best to remove both Mr. (not so) Bright and Confederate flag from the statehouse grounds.


People like this are our leaders??? Dear Lord…


Hey, whatever happened to Obamacare?

All I have to say is: “Pleaseon’tbendovernandtieyourslippers.Pleaseson’tbendoverandtieyourslippers.”


State Sen. Lee Bright (R-SC):

And next [same sex marriage is] putting people out of business for not issuing those marriage licenses.

While I hate to interrupt the illustrious State Senator while he’s on roll, are there businesses that issue marriage licenses in SC? I feel quite certain that SC marriage licenses are still issued by the government, although it does seem worth observing that, in spite his objections to SSM, Sen. Bright apparently has no objection to commodifying the sacred institution of marriage while ignoring Jesus’s attempt to chase the profiteers out of the temple.