If he was a black man in Baltimore, he’d already be dead and accused of severing his own spine whilst in handcuffs and leg shackles.
{insert virtual rim shot here}
Disgusting-I don’t care what Party is in power. And folks wonder why politics turns people off.
Excellent reporting job. Thank you.
[quote=“MrBlifil, post:6, topic:19770, full:true”]
Great reporting thank you.
[/quote] I agree. It is one of the best articles I’ve read on TPM.
Donald Manes approves this message.
This is really a well-written piece - thank you.
I agree. I think when Christie dissed Wildstein (reg. high school, no less) it was “all in time” for Wildstein. Christie might be the top dog bully but I have the feeling it is little ole David who is going to destroy that big Goliath.
As Geo Patton said of war: “God help me, but I do love it”.
The bigger they are the harder they fall.
So much for that BROMANCE.
the republicans are ALL about regressive taxes on the middle class and poor so they do not have to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations. their avid tea party/johnbirchers are too dumb to recognize they are hurting themselves by voting GOP and their wealthy benefactors enjoy stepping on the tea party/john birchers every chance they can get. the gop will implode soon when the “base” gets taxed out of their threadbare dilapidated homes in foreclosure. . .
…to pay his lawyers.
Awww… The poor thug of a Governor who asked for it has a broken Omerta. I wonder if they can put a cast on it?
When does Chris Christie liposuction kick in? I’m waiting!
I agree with all of the posters above that it is unlikely that Guv. Krispy Kreme is unlikely to be indicted, but I sure would love it if he was. Seeing him do the perp walk, which Krispy was famous for subjecting white-collar indictees to, would be something like a dream come true.