I’d wager with confidence that Rand is actually racist. He walks and talks and surrounds himself with racists.
He really doesn’t think he’s going to the next President of the United States does he? IF he does, now that’s CRAZY.
To paraphrase, the more I see of Rand Paul, the more I admire dogs. He is a hypocrite, a liar and possibly insane. That makes him a leading candidate for the GOP nomination, it would seem. Has the world really gone crazy, or is it just me??
the voice(s) of experience?
Anyone paying attention knows that Paul and his coterie of wingnuts are abhorrent. But I have to ask, how is it even possible for his candidacy to viewed with any seriousness? What the hell happened to the Republican Party? I guess when Reagan proved that style over substance ruled the day the wheels just fucking came off. Nobody would accuse Bob Dole or Gerry Ford of being outstanding statesmen, but Jesus Christ - those guys look like Solon compared to the current crop. They’d think Nelson Rockefeller is a commie and Eisenhower a pansy - Barry fucking Goldwater couldn’t pass muster with this crowd! Do they even teach civics in school anymore? Is this an example of what the future holds?
As Democrats, liberals and progressives who care for individual rights, this country and its abiding values, we should be cheering for Republican nominees like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Donald Tramp and Rick Perry. They are more principled and worthy opponents than corrupt, amoral and kleptocrat candidates like Jebya Bush, Scott Walker, John Boehner and others.
That’s not a battleship, it’s an aircraft carrier, the USS Yorktown (CV10). Now moored as a museum in Charleston, SC.
My bad, the reporting said that it was the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown. Clearly I didn’t inherit my dad’s US Navy gene.
So Rand Paul is basically my insane coworker who sits in his office listening to Alex Jones and blathering about the Illuminati.
A all-time classic video of Jones trying to talk and think both at the same!
If you click the link to Jack Hunter’s (“the Southern Avenger”) disavowal story, he actually says that while he’s now supposedly ashamed at all the horrible racist shit he said before, it’s really not that different from what mainstream Republicans say in claiming Obama is a Marxist Muslim who is deliberately trying to destroy America from within. Which is true, except that while saying that kind of rhetoric isn’t necessary, he’s still stuck in the notion that Obama is uniquely awful, for pushing ideas that were mainstream among Republicans less than 20 years ago.
I’ve always thought many of the “younger generation” fans Paul attracts seem similar to the young people who use to get excited by Lyndon LaRouche. That sad place where the nutcase left and the nutcase right meet in some sort of weird conspiracy based occasional agreement is a very weird place indeed.
Know Your Kooks.
Don’t worry; they’re here.
Just plain old republicans.
The only difference now is that there are multi-millions of them. They are also well off in many cases and of course if the worst should happen (losing Senate and gop nomination, ha ha) for Runt Paul, he can always get a book deal.