Imagine if you can what it must be like for women who remember the brief period in this country when they could and did get abortions with relative ease, and now to face the prospect of a fight over those rights which may not be won. Disheartening doesn’t begin to describe it. Because I don’t want a story about rightwing cretins in my face doesn’t indicate lack of concern.
Run through all those faces, and run this line through your head it rubs the lotion on its skin. Does not sound out of place for any one of these guys.
They could have manned up even more and accepted full responsibility for raising the child.
“ALLOWING”??? WTF is that about?!?!?
Oh, fuck all of those guys. Please just drop dead with your patronizing bullshit.
Perhaps to remind young women that they need to fight to protect this right. I’m pretty fucking tired of fighting for them. They don’t seem particularly worried - I’m sure they’ll all feel different when they lose control over their bodies.
Dear Heroic Media:
I am sorry that I have not punched you in each of your faces. I am sorry I didn’t fight for your dignity, that I allowed you to despoil your reputation so publicly with such an utterly patronizing piece of bullshit video. I should have socked you the moment you came up with this stupid idea. I let you down. My fist let you down. Please forgive me.
I can’t think of anything more insulting, patronizing, manipulative and shaming than this bullshit video. Its infuriating. FUCK THIS SHIT. I don’t need anyone mansplaining shit to me about my choices in life. This is some sick shit.
How much money did the Koch Brothers put in their pockets to stage this?
Exactly my sentiments. THANKS!
But since they did not use condoms and they put the women in the thankless position of having to make the choice maybe, just maybe they’d be kind enough to slam their junk in a door so they’ll be more thoughtful if there is a next time.
it is comforting to know that these stooges did not procreate in at least one circumstance
It just never ends with these control freaks, does it? Forcing their Dominionist White Christian Male views on the rest of the country…I’m so tired of it. I feel like this country is being forced to move closer to a fascist authoritarian ideology everyday by these rightwing extremists. It scares me to some extent.
There’ll will never be a stronger advocate for a woman’s right to have an abortion than myself and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it that way. I’ve had a personal experience and I don’t need to tell you or anyone else whose name I don’t even know about it. There is a limit to what individuals can do if they continue to vote for politicians who run on shutting down access to abortion and are backed by rightwing extremists who pay for those campaigns. The women who need reminding of what they’re losing aren’t here reading this. It ruined my Friday, but it didn’t ruin theirs.
Someone should tell these freaking pussies that if they want something they should pay for it.
Dear __________, I’m so sorry I didn’t shame you into carrying to term so I could dodge child support payments, rail against feminism and pretend I’m the victim.
We could have had so much.
Please do not refer to these three overbearing holier-than-thou men as “Christian”. Since they seem to be living counter to Jesus two Great Commandments in Matthew and even the Old Testament commandments. As far as I can see, these men are a certain type of “political christian” for some type of gain that has more to do with control and power than any type of concern for humanity. As you can tell, this is one of my hot-button issues and I resent the hijacking of religion for political use.
Perhaps if Miss Stone hates women so much a gender change is in order.
Ban Viagra, Cialis, and all those other enhancements or at the very least, refuse insurance coverage for them an allow drugstores to refuse to sell them based on religious regions. Works for me.
B.S. Utter nonsense.
And I’m sorry you presume to intrude into areas that are none of your business with people you don’t even know, propelled by the arrogant self-righteousness of your Iron Age superstition.
We need a video apologizing to you that your cult has turned you into nut jobs. You don’t have to live in darkness; you can run to the light of free thought.
If you wanna “man up,” you big, tough, fascist jesushadist misogynists, you should mind your own business. Perhaps you should concern yourselves more with the prospect that your presumed Biblically-subservient wives are spending quality time with the mailman while you’re out making videos.