
And this is what passes for “breaking news” these day’s?


these are people who nominated Romney and worship the rich


So I guess capitalism is only for republicans


well they no longer have benagzi


I can’t wait until she cleans their clocks in the 2016 election!

You think they’re screeching now? It’s only just begun.

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Of course the GOP’s is completely opportunistic and doesn’t care about student finances in the slightest, but a broken clock is right twice a day and this is one of those times. It is immoral to accept a $300k speaking fee paid for by student debt, period. Clinton is donating her fees to charity – that’s a good start. It would be better if she donated those fees to student aid rather than her namesake charity. Even better – donating her time and using the opportunity to address the rising cost of education.

I try to think of it as the lesser of two weevils.

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The GOP doesn’t actually stand for anything much anymore other than being an opposition party. They’re for whatever the opposition is against, and against whatever the opposition is for, pretty much regardless of what the issue is. Like how Reagan is a demigod within the conservative movement despite having done things equivalent or to a much higher degree than what they currently complain Obama has been doing (gun control, taxes, Iran-Contra, the status of illegal immigrants, executive orders…). Or like how they claim to be all for “the troops”, but when Kerry ran it all of a sudden became fashionable to make fun of a Purple Heart. Them trying to paint Hillary as an out of touch elitist is hilarious for a party that just ran Mitt Romney and John “I can’t recall how many homes I own” McCain. They do it because they can get away with it. Remember, they’re the party of Fox News, chain email forwards and Rush Limbaugh. Hillary making money in a free market completely escapes them as something they supposedly stand for, based solely on the grounds that they’re told to hate Hillary - so they do.


What does “that kind of relationship” mean here? They pay her to talk to them about what they ought to do. Like students pay teachers or congregants pay a pastor. Sounds good to me.

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Gee, people are willing to blow the budget to hear her speak…how is that a bad thing again?

I think the news here is about GOP hypocrisy. (Thought that topic also is hardly new.)


Hmmm. Hilary Clinton making a pretty penny in the same free market system that conservatives and the GOP are always touting.

Imagine that.


Her speaking fees are not paid through “student debt.”


It is an issue for the ladies but not the white male Republicans. You go girl! To the Repub anti female contingent, “Get used to it, she is worth every penny”!


The ones screeching the loudest are the same ones bitching about ‘class warfare.’


I assume Grover Norquist will be getting all Republicans to sign a “pledge not to receive any money for speaking engagements”, and they will all sign it?

Amazingly GW Bush gets paid to speak. But I’m thinking he is getting paid to give the audience some good laughs, so that is money well spent actually.


Personally I’d much rather hear her speak than, let’s say, Reagan, who was getting, according to reports $100,000 per 25 years ago, as he descended into dementia. People, athletes, politicians, actors, CEO’s, etc. get whatever the market is willing to pay them. Period, end of story.

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Who cares… If she had an “R” after her name, they would love it…

It is only worth the reprint because she has a “D” after her name…