Discussion: Zinke's Pivot Into The Lucrative Mining Industry Raises Brows

Only to anyone who hasn’t been paying attention the last few years while the the fetid Trump swamp was enlarged, expanded, and deepened.


“We’re excited to have Secretary Zinke help move us forward”

‘Zink’s a great money funnel’ Karr continued, ‘he’ll help us get the most bang for our Washington buck.’


Really no surprise at all. Zinke, Pruitt, and others have no character -whether in or out of government.

As Abraham Lincoln said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

Trump and all his henchmen have failed this test miserably.


This is supposed to be a surprise? What did anyone expect this corrupt Trump-sucker to do after trying to destroy the Interior Department? Join the Peace Corps?


“…possible conflicts of interest.” Surely, you jest! How about “impossible to ignore”?


Any doubt to reasonable people that Zinke was a corrupt asshole has been removed.

Stop the hate. Grifters gotta grift.


The rapid transition from the highest levels of the executive branch to the corporate boardroom is raising questions about possible conflicts of interest.

Wow. If only we could guess what they are. But it must be ethical/legal/kosher because Toadglans made great fanfare about barring his cabinet members from lobbying the industries they oversaw for X number of years after leaving office; draining the swamp and all.

I’m sure Zinke, like all the other dearly departed, signed the non-existent “pledge,” most likely in similarly invisible ink, and is holding true to his conscience.

And so it goes.


…raises brows of no one.



Did ANYONE not expect this?


Zinke told AP that his work for Nevada-based U.S. Gold Corp., which focuses on mining exploration and development, would not constitute lobbying. But the company’s CEO cited Zinke’s “excellent relationship” with the Bureau of Land Management and the Interior Department in explaining his hiring as a consultant and board member.


I have total confidence in Zinke finding a Public position within the Federal Bureau of Corrections soon :smiley: Won’t pay much but hey, it’s free room and board!

My brows aren’t raised, but my eyes are rolling :eyes:
… again. Is anyone really surprised that grifters gotta grift?

Highbrows Furrow Brows Over Lowbrows Low Blow

He will also receive up to $120,000 a year in expenses

And no pesky Inspector General or Federal rules. Life is good for Zinke.

May he spend all his new disposable income on beachfront property along the Gulf coast and the southern half of the Atlantic coast.

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In the kakistrocracy the USA has now become it would only be a surprise if Zinke did not participate in the rot.

Want to really raise some brows? Let a Trump appointee display some honor.

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They may never wash off the stink, but they can afford more cologne! Rodent molesters to the last man.

Isn’t there some ban on leaving government to enter the business you just got done regulating? Without a cooling off period, the moral hazard danger is quite apparent, and it would mean that you could create vast swaths of the executive devoted to condoning large-scale theft through primary resource extraction and financial resource extraction. Oops, sorry, this post was meant for the other parallel universe.

Where did all the sardines go? In 1948, this question was posed to ocean biologist Ed Rickett, who was investigating the most famous sardine crash in history, which began in 1946. He responded, “They’re in cans!”

Rickett’s point was that nobody was managing our fisheries much at the time. Fast forward to today when Pacific sardines are under management by Wilbur Ross’ Department of Commerce. People like Zinke and Ross epitomize this new Gilded Age.

Zinke isn’t doing the lobbying himself, he is just directing our lobbying efforts.

Oh, and Turnberry Solutions? A tRump Corp. perhaps? Isn’t the tRump’s golf course in Scotland names Turnberry?

I eagerly await the Glenn Beck-style commercials urging me to “Buy Gold!!!” starring Zinke.

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