Discussion: Zinke Deletes And Re-Posts Photo Of His Trump 'MAGA' Socks After Complaints


Looks like trump on the socks has bubonic plague.


By god it does - either plague or acne or possibly leprosy…


They should make an animated version of those socks as a demo for lancing boils.

O ew :laughing:

What better background could there be though?

you’d be the laced to know

In the fine Trump tradition of bald-faced lying, Zinke claims he posted the photo “not realizing it had what could be viewed as a political slogan.”

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Zinke could wear the Trump socks for 6 weeks straight and they still wouldn’t reek half as bad as the Trump Administration.

He’s wearing them wrong. The picture goes on the bottom of the foot.

Making Ankles Gross Again

Show tRUmp how to Make America Great Again with your footwear:

Dufus Dumbf**k didn’t know he was wearing socks that had a political slogan. Next time he should wear some boxers with the Rump’s face over his asshole–and maybe some with his own face there for some variety.