Discussion: YouTube Is The Only Social Platform Taking Down Doctored Pelosi Videos

I am no fan of social media starting with the days before it was a real term. It has become the MRSA of the internet. I say for the folks who participate…

Pet videos and pictures. Label them with all forms of things political. Trump this, Pelosi that. Flood the sphere with them. Let the indexes pick them up on key words and let it run. Make the environment as useless as it is. They will get the hits for who cannot resist a cute cat video?

Well, I know I am just dreaming. No one is going to kill off social media by dictate at this point unless they are a dictator.


So ‘anything goes’ is an acceptable 1st amendment tenet, yes?


He has his own definition of morality, you know, based on obscene amounts of money and being smarter than all the rest of us.


No. Someone ought to make a doctored video of Mark Zuckerberg talking like he’s drunk in front of a Senate committee on his policies for Facebook and see how long that shit stays up. I guarantee you it’ll be yanked within minutes…and then the utter hypocrisy of that platform will be exposed.


Mine is inactive.

Though it’s easy to set ‘boundaries’ (?) on my account, it says a lot that ‘anything goes’ is very copacetic.


People should post fake videos of Suckerberg and see what happens


OT – I have a bad feeling about this stay.

It also includes new maps for gerrymandered districts in Michigan as well.


Probably in the works already. He’s a prime candidate, because there are so many hours of video with him yakking on stage and in interviews. The more raw material the better for the algorithms.

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Mine too…I hate Facebook. Took me awhile to get on board, 2 years as a daily participant and 2016 to finally realize what a major time eating crap hole it is.


Someone needs to post doctored footage of Zuckerberg that makes it look like he’s high or saying racist shit …and watch how fast THAT shit gets nuked.


How about a trial run beginning with Barr first?

tRump just had his pawn queened so that he can now run the board in all directions towards any Federal agency, choosing whatever way pleases him to declassify any fucking thing he wants to build a case for the toddler in chief and go after his enemies.

That’s fucking CRAZY and DANGEROUS.

That’s Harry Potter type crazy level chess.


Since trump promoted the fake video I fully expect him to be banned from Facebook.

Right? Right? No? Why not?

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Short answer (sorry): the problem that I have with Facebook is that the 1st is a two way street.

No, they don’t have to be my parents (same with Twittah), but it’s f— odd that what they see as freedom of speech and what normal folks (which is now debatable) see as freedom of speech, is clearly two separate (and very uneven) views.


Can we now agree that Facebook and Twitter are agents of evil and should be boycotted? They are reservoirs of hate and need shaming.


So YouTube is the only social media giant capable of discerning the difference between nefarious propaganda (this video) and parody (Jimmy Kimmel’s “Drunk Donald Trump” videos), and then, acting sorta swiftly and responsibly? Sounds about right.

If anyone hasn’t guessed, Kimmel’s “DDT” videos are always presented with a disclaimer, along with an explanation of exactly what they’ve done, before they’re shown. Why? Because, for some people, “Comedy is hard.”

ETA Aw, what the hell. Here’s just one example:

BTW If you search #DrunkDonaldTrump on Twitter you can see a lot more where that came from. (No account necessary.)


Facebook is worthless.


At other times and different occasions, this doctored stuff might be funny. At this particular time, it is not. I don’t do facebook. Maybe people should give it up, but in this case, the damage is done.
The really despicable thing is that tRump, et al was using this and they bloody well knew it was not true.


Barr is the most dangerous man in America. He must be removed as soon as possible. The fact that he has not been removed amounts to malpractice at the very highest levels of Government.

The de-classification issue, the going after people Trump is against. BOTH of these are ghastly.

The two stories (of many) which told me that we are going down a suicidal path are the latter and this:

Trump/Barr trying to use espionage laws to ultimately punish journalists

All Americans of any gender, race or party will suffer and suffer like they could never have imagined if we do not stop Barr and Trump. It is no longer about “politics”, although you see the same politicos and talking heads. It’s about an irreversible political alteration.

Germany (in changing course from Nazism) had the U.S, and other Allies when we won WWII. Who is going to save us?

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Is that all the truth and nothing but? I’m surprised she’s using that language, but she must be getting mad and is telling the world she won’t put up with this BS.