What’s the equivalent to “all hat and no cattle” as applied to wannabe nazis?
And a shit disturbing self important douchebag
“uncertainty surrounding the event on both sides.”
Both sides? What or who is on the other side?
Isn’t that supposed to be “wee” wee wee?
Hmmm … I don’t know. If Milo was scared by Billy Idol … you just can’t be a proper gay boy and scared by Billy Idol. Tingly, yeah. Scared, then he really is a fucked-up old man. Poor Milo.
Very good people.
ROFLMAO! High-larious!
They really are stupid people, aren’t they. In this fool’s case think of him as evolution in action as I doubt anyone alive will want to be his ‘baby mama’.
And there commitment is also uncertain?
All Lederhosen unt no Hosen?
All trains and no Jews?
Couldn’t happen a nicer . . . .oops, . . . more despicable group of deplorables!
“Loud-mouth clown” may be ignoring Alex ‘clown-mouth Jones’.
Just sayin’…
All string and no pearls? (in Milo’s case, anyway)
If only they were hanging together literally
Maple trees are headed for a fall, whereas Milo has already fallen.
With credentials you cited, “dumb & incompetent”, he’d be a perfect repugnican congressional candidate!
Speaking of Alex Jones - he went off yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel and as much as blamed their baby’s heart defect on him and his wife.
This is likely what will happen. His followers and the aggrieved, white male will welcome his ‘version’ of events with open arms, too.
Haha…This was supposed to be a great triumph for the creepy little pedo, and instead he has to slump back to his douchetorium empty-handed.