Discussion: Yet Another NC GOPer Caught Telling Election Boards To Curb Early Voting

Republicans do not want you to vote.


As others here have suggested, this behavior must be criminalized at a federal level and with heavy prison sentences.
Maybe that might deter some of this.
As it stands, there’s nothing to deter these state voting officials from interfering with voting by Dems.
All they face now are some civil actions.


Are there mechanisms for the federal government to step in and take over? I mean, seriously, until the State of North Carolina is serious about free, unencumbered access to voting – for ALL NC residents, the state should be forced to step aside. When they have proved to the Justice Department they have a workable, legal plan–then and only then–they can take back over.

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The bastard children of Jesse Helms manage to have little shame in engaging in voter suppression. Imagine if a bunch of Black NC residents went to their church’s or neighborhoods and gave them a hard time.

“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” - John Roberts

The way to stop election fraud is to prosecute election fraud, starting with John Roberts.


“We will never discourage anyone from voting but none of us have any obligation in any shape, form or fashion to do anything to help the Democrats win this election,” Terry’s email said, according to the News and Observer. “Left unchecked, they would have early voting sites at every large gathering place for Democrats.”

There it is again, in bald, straightforward language. The GOP is okay with suppressing the vote and needs suppression to win.


If that’s the case, in the meantime, these people that keep trying to fuck with the law should be personally fined with whatever maximum amount is set for trying to subvert the law. Any idea how much that amounts to? I agree though, it should be a criminal offense.

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Simple as that. They’d really prefer it if only the 1% voted, but only if they support the 0.01%.

Speaking as an aging white guy in the final third of life, I am saddened I won’t live to see the day Caucasians constitute a decidedly small minority of the U.S. populace. Hopefully the majority races and ethnicities that comprise this country in 2050 will have the class and compassion to govern fairly. But if the period of adjustment see whites getting thoroughly oppressed, marginalized and persecuted for myriad idiotic reasons I would find solace it was merely payback for 300 years of the same bullshit they dished out in the opposite direction. In 40 years you honkies better keep proper maintenance on your automobile taillights, wouldn’t want to see too many of you gunned down for failing a safety inspection.

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Voting suppression and gerrymandering are abhorrent to our Democracy. This is what “states rights” is all about.

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“are expected to act within the law and in the best interest of the party.”

Couldn’t be more blatant than that, could he?

@mikem42 Unfortunately, gerrymandering is nothing new. This is one of those cases where “both sides do it” is actually true.

They don’t want non republicans voting and assume most black are not republican voters.They should paraphrase Trump’s slogan, or should I say just not code it, and just say what they mean; Making America White Again. We all, black or white, know what they are trying to say.

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Speaking as an aging white guy approaching the final third, I can’t agree. Any white person who is marginalized in 50 years will not have been responsible for anything these bastards are doing now. Indeed, the most delicious part of the coming demographic wave is that young white voters already reject these politics and generally think of their elders (correctly) as racist, homophobic pricks.

My hope for 50 years from now is for the last vestiges of these cretins to be wasting away in some elder care facility that is well supported by universal care and where the news about the successful policies of our popular Female Asian-Latino President and her African American husband is broadcast all day long. And then, when their grandchildren come to visit they’ll have to endure eye-rolls and patronizing pats on the head when they complain about how we’ve ‘lost’ America.

Oh yes, that is MY hope. Too bad I probably won’t live to see it…but, if someone notices a truly decrepit old man well North of 100 smiling in the corner of the elder care ward watching that spectacle impotent rage playing out…give me wave!


There are a lot of twenty-something Fascist bigots in our midst today. In 50 years they’ll be of an age that Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond and Donald Trump were/are affecting public policy. And in 10-15 years there will be another generation of twenty-something Fascist bigots practicing their craft. Princeton pumps out an entire graduating class every year. It’s going to be a long damn time these racists have a bit of say about various matters. Demographic death can’t come soon enough, but it will be a long time in coming.

Fair enough, but these scumbags have always been around and always been at the fringe. They’ll be around long after demographic death and serve as a constant reminder of our darker selves. Trump and the current GOP leadership are giving these losers the illusion of numbers and legitimacy in a vain attempt to retain power on their own terms. But the nationwide attitudes of young white voters are trending hard against this group and marginalizing the older working class Reagan-Evangelical republicans that make up the bulk of Trump’s support. It’s that middle group I see wasting away. The fascists will be hiding in their ‘militia’ compounds somewhere off in the woods where we don’t have to look at them.

Well, in most of the nation anyway. Alabama will probably still be Alabama.

We agree, which is why we in the NC GOP designed our anti-fraud voting restrictions without race as a consideration, contrary to the complaints our opponents make. Frankly, our party is sick and tired of those dark Democrats playing the race card.

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I have a difficult time assigning them to the “fringe” when their efforts resulted in essentially a partial rollback of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. When minorities are still scratching and clawing for unfettered, equal ballot access more than 50 years after Congress and the courts dictated “The bullshit is over, get out of the goddamned way and let them vote!” color me unconvinced the “fringe” is of but minor concern. 51 years later and we’re reading articles about states openly hindering minority ballot access? The fringe doesn’t pull that off.

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“Left unchecked, there will be early-voting taco trucks on every streetcorner.”

Really, any time you openly say “If we don’t do something drastic, more people will vote,” you’re pretty much spitting on the constitution. Of course, they could respond by trying to encourage more white republicans to vote, but that one is pretty much played out.

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