Discussion: Yellowstone Head: Zinke Forced Me Out As 'Punitive Action' Over Bison Dispute

President Donald Trump had ordered a reorganization of the federal government and that Zinke “has been absolutely out front on that issue.”

Yes, he has.


Zinke is full of bisonshit…


This is another example of the way that the trump administration is evil. It’s possible this guy should have been forced out because he was condoning sexual harassment, but no, he had to be forced out because he wasn’t killing enough bison.


Stupid elitest profesionals thnking they no stuff. Gud riddunce.

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Don’t let 'em buffalo you!

Seriously, don’t.

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AP -

Last year, members of the park’s maintenance department were disciplined after an investigation found female employees were subjected to sexual harassment and other problems.

The scandal echoed problems that surfaced in recent years in other national parks and in some instances prompted personnel changes. But Wenk said that was never brought up in the discussions about his possible transfer or retirement.

What does this have to do with bison management? Is it an effort to throw shade on Wenk without saying anything concrete?


Well Trump is tall, with a wide girth, but he has small hands, so yeah it’s shady.

I’m surprised some guy named Bundy didn’t get the job …

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I was trying to find out if wolves being reintroduced into Yellowstone had an effect on bison herds, but I didn’t see it mentioned. Apparently wolves like Elk.
Read the link of how wolves are changing Yellowstone for the better.

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Ryan Zinke is the south end of a bison headed north.


I am from Montana and I am embarrassed that Ryan Zinke is from my state…he has been a total disaster for the Interior Dept. and for our national Park System. He has no right to downsize Bear’s Ear which was needed as prime habitat to hopefully save the Sage Grouse from extinction from the widespread fracking and drilling operations in the west.

Once they are gone, they are gone forever…Ryan Zinke is enemy of the environment and needed protections for our threatened and endangered species.

The Lamar Valley is not over grazed…and Zinke would be the last one to know it. The key factor is wolves that keep the bison and elk moving…so that over grazing doesn’t occur. Before the white man took over the greater yellostone area, there were over 50,000 bison and thousands of wolves…there was no over gazing then!

Zinke is a brain damaged navy seal…he’s basically an environmental nazi.


Buh-bye bison.

I bet a lot of us here had grandmothers who used such descriptions.

Ranchers in neighboring Montana have long sought reductions in Yellowstone’s bison numbers because of worries that they could spread the disease brucellosis to cattle and compete with livestock for grazing space outside the park.

I have been reading about this supposed brucellosis thing as a legit reason the ranchers who are really only concerned about grazing want the bison herds killed off. I have never seen anything that substantiates that that’s a legit concern over and above the ranchers’ inalienable right to graze on federal land at very below-market rates. Does anyone know anything about this?

Last year, members of the park’s maintenance department were disciplined after an investigation found female employees were subjected to sexual harassment and other problems.

The scandal echoed problems that surfaced in recent years in other national parks and in some instances prompted personnel changes. But Wenk said that was never brought up in the discussions about his possible transfer or retirement.

AP Delenda Est.

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Perhaps Trump’s progeny were having trouble getting permission to add bison parts to their collection of hunting trophies.

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I’m guessing most people on this blog have seen the awesome series by Ken Burns “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea”. If not, it’s absolutely amazing. It’s precisely assholes like Zinke and Trump that present a mortal threat to our national parks. Our parks are national/global treasures and they should be defended with the same zeal as our children would be. It would be so fantastic if Zinke gets eaten by wolves. (And, keep in mind that at one time, there were 60 MILLION buffalo in this country. Thanks to a-holes like Zinke and Trump, they were nearly extinct)


I always knew Zinke was a dick, but when you have to steal a hat from Pharrell Williams - now that’s REALLY low!!!

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My recollection, subject to correction, is that there has never been a documented case of brucellosis being passed from wild bison to domestic cattle. The ranchers are full of cow flop.