YAtes looKs weaK. PaRtiSan hack. CRuz put hEr in HeR plAce. Go bacK to the kitchen Yate anD Make mE SOMe flapJacKs!!1!1!!!one!!!1!!!
And your palms?
OK, it sucks that there’s no Georgia Senate seat up this next round. She’d cut the nuts off Isakson or Purdue.
Tried to trip her up, probably thinking she didn’t know anything solely because she’s a woman and then got told off like a little brat:
That’s Cruz for you. He’s a know-nothing that will insert himself into anything because he’s that dependent on attention
We told her not to testify yet she persisted. She must be silenced.
I’m always baffled that John Cornyn (my Senator) doesn’t have a worse reputation for saying dumb things, because he says a lot of them.
To be fair, he has a lot of competition in that regard.
Basically he tried to cite how the president has broad authority on immigration to which she immediately countered that the president isn’t allowed to discriminate against certain groups based on ethnic or religious grounds. He tried another angle later, which ended badly for him too, but I’d have to rewatch it to tell the particulars.
Also I’m having fun monitoring the deep pro-Trump websites watching the hearing All they can claim is these hearings are a witch hunt against Trump or that Yates is an Obama shill.
The GOP has an embarrassment of riches in that field.
Whenever he opens his mouth he reveals himself as the idiot he is.
Living in a red state, myself, it’s obvious that such ones get elected as much because they’re stupid, not just in spite of it.
He really is. This whole idea that he’s so bright because…ivy league? He’s a moron.
This woman of fierce integrity is now more than that. She’s an absolute superstar.
They were trying to turn the topic from a thing they desperately don’t want anyone to talk about (i.e. the purpose of the hearing) to things they thought they did want to talk about. Turns out that those things were actually things they really shouldn’t have wanted to talk about, but being Republicans, they couldn’t see it.
Senator Cornhole shut the fuck up, Ted Cruz just grow up you are like a permanent Junior High student body president.
Somebody set up an exploratory committee.
Not only that. Is she wearing a PANT SUIT??
His end-all, be-all though is his faith as he thinks he’s the sole interpreter of the Bible and how everyone is simply ignoring his genius because why else isn’t he president?
Maybe you can do an intervention with Ivanka. She’s been working so hard in these extremely high capacity times that she’s in survival mode and hasn’t been treating herself to a massage. Put party partisanship aside and reach across the aisle to help the women who work.