Discussion: WSJ Says Institutionalized Racism 'No Longer Exists' In Charleston Shooting Editorial

Don't Blame 'Institutionalized Racism*' — It 'No Longer Exists'


"It is no small solace that in committing such an act today, he stands alone."

Dear WSJ Editorial Board:

Go read the comments at RedState,com. It may not be institutionalized, but most of the people there should be.

Yours truly,

The sane world

By institutionalized racism no longer exists they mean that the federal government, the military, public schools, national sports leagues and the like are no longer segregated. What it really means is that the racism that used to be institutionalized has simply gone underground where it festers out of sight until it erupts in cross burnings, church bombings, or some nutzo with a .45 who wants to start a race war. Institutions simply passively condone it through symbolism: