Let’s pool our frequent flyer miles and keep him aloft!
Which porn star?
Though Jess Drake has yet to show a bank statement, she is one of three women (Daniels n McDougall are the other two) that ‘45’ reportedly has had affairs with.
As is Roy Moore.
Of all newspapers the WSJ runs with THIS story? WTF
Junior Falwell and Franklin Graham said the same thing.
Just as it is impossible not to believe that Donald Trump made his racist “shithole” remark, it is also impossible not to believe that Michael Cohen made a sleazy move like this.
Three to seven years, sadly.
“I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous but I also see that at the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump, who was going to be the nominee in this election. I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee.” – Michele Bachmann
Hey wait a minute there’s a good side to this story. Here’s a contractor that actually got paid by Trump.
Wow, I didn’t realize he had a string of porn stars. An affair, I understand. Numerous affairs, yeah, he’s a scumbag and Melania knew what she was getting herself into.
But what kind of man carries on affairs with porn stars? Multiple porn stars? Is it just because they’re so good at faking it and he needs that?
Grab 'em by the porno! That’s what I always say!
Yes, you can call Stormy Daniels a porn star, but please refrain from calling her an “escort”. I hear you can get the shit sued out of you for doing that.
Let see if Trump threatens to sue the WSJ for libel over this story.
Has Hamhock Sanders chimed in on this yet? I’m sure she’ll come up with a gem of a rebuttal…
Thanks for putting this in context of this blackmail potential. Ties bits together nicely.
I still can’t believe the Trump University and Trump Foundation scams sank without trace. But this one may stick because sex. Depressing.
Can you imagine?!?! She’s got to have an agent, a manager, or former friends whispering in her ear: “it would be good for your brand. You’d be a hero!”.
Maybe she really loves him? Who the F knows!
“This was a private contract between two individuals. Why do you libtards hate free enterprise? Why do you people insist on forcing big government into private arrangements?”
Did you see him lovingly glaring at trump when trump made his comments about MLK today? Pence is a full-fledged trumpist. Completely on-board.
That begs the question of exactly how many NDAs has Trump or his lawyers signed on his behalf?