That’s just perfect.
She’s also been pointing out the $30 million NRA donation to the Trump 2016 campaign compared to a couple of million tops to the Republican candidates in prior cycles.
Sounds like laundering foreign cash to me.
Can’t say anything about this particular decision but, in general, such decisions can have something to do with the order in which prosecutors want to make various bits of information public.
I was going to say the level of blood in the water reached sufficient levels but I just saw a reference to the seized Cohen documents so it may also be the reams and reams of evidence they’ve been going through.
Keep it in the family because we literally can’t farm it out.
Who could have imagined a would-be monarchy which persisted over generations only because they couldn’t find anybody else in the entire country who was stupid enough to accept power?
An FBI prosecutor just said this involves huge amounts of money unaccounted for, they have evidence on recordings seized in the Cohen raid, and the case is in SDNY so it can’t be shut down even if they stopped Mueller. As I posted elsewhere, this (as it appears now) could be worse than Blagojevich’s crime and that earned him 14 years in prison.
Not that we need a good killer comeback for Trumpsters…but my god. If you fuckos had done any due diligence we wouldn’t be here. Don’t elect criminals. Don’t nominate drunken fratboys with rape accusations to the SC. Quit flailing around at everybody and every institution, trying to tear them all down, because you didn’t even look at the produce before you bought it.
O/T but the hits just keep coming today.
The latter
It seems like Trump has the anti-Midas touch: everything he touches turns to shit.
I’m hoping it’ll turn out they bilked millions from Republican donors and everyone got paid besides Trump.
That’s the worst thing about him, that he’s such a greedy little dweeb that he focuses on license deals and renting rooms in his hotels; while there’s so much real money on the table that he doesn’t even know how to ask for. I bet most dark money operators got more cash out of Trump’s election than he did.
You want Chief if Staff? Here is your chief if staff
Darn right. Every word. GOP – it’s all on you.
I’m confident Jared “Full Metal Jackass” Kushner will be as successful as a COS as he is a not-yet-indicted businessman and wannabe JERGENS® Lotions hand model.
I was just thinking about Jared Kushner’s catastrophically bad judgment and wondering what possible reason he could have to want to be chief of sta—and then realized I’d answered my own question.
Good news!
Yeah you know when Lindsey threw his hissy fit during the Kavanaugh hearings and screamed about how this never happens to us, just to them, I wanted someone to say, uh, there’s a good reason for that - we don’t nominate rapists, or if we do unknowingly and find out later we do something about it. We look for genuinely good people to fill positions, not asshole ideologues meant to vote a certain way on everything. We always hope they will vote how we want them to but they are independent SCOTUS justices and we figure the thing to do is nominate really competent candidates.
And that’s the way we do things with all of the positions Democrats fill so no Lindsey we don’t have your problems.
Trump may not have had the largest Inauguration celebration of any US president, but he can certainly boast of having the largest criminal investigation of any US president.
“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now!”
(To coin an inaugural phrase)