Discussion: WSJ: DEA Sent Agency-Wide Memo After Trump 'Condoned Police Misconduct'

The Resistance pops up in the unlikeliest places.


Seth Meyer nailed it when he said that we’re at the point where all of Trump’s speeches need to be followed up by a legal disclaimer.


Boy that’s the truth.


45’s is really the Hate Radio Presidency.

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hahahahahahahaha O that’s good - that’s really good.

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Buu, buu, but trump was jokin’ i heard.
Donnie sure has a way of puttin’ both feet in a cow pie doesn’t he?

Next to the ATF thugs, the DEA has the worst reputation for “friendly” handling of suspects. So this is just a sick joke. Sad.

None of us missed the asshole part of trump’s behavior at that speech.


The comment I heard when this happened and the police audience cheered, a comment that struck home and that I expect the DEA and intelligent police departments are desperately trying to distance themselves from is…

“I am starting to believe that the police violence issue really isn’t just a few rotten apples”.


Chicago has paid over 642 Million since 2004 for police misconduct. I´m sure the taxpayers of Chicago, not to mention the victims of the police misconduct, appreciate Trump´s little joke


Everybody knows that DEA is one of those libtard, soft-on-crime, Black Lives Matter organizations. Real police are supposed to love doing it “Duterte style”!


As I noted on a prior thread, the GIF of criminal Trump being ushered into the squad car’s backseat and hitting his head will be the most popular and widely disseminated GIF ever.


Audience members responded positively to Trump’s speech.

I think there needs to be some special treatment for the officers in attendance at this speech who responded with applause.

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Does it matter? Clarifications and/or apologies following every “Presidential” speech has been SOP since …

Oy vey.


It doesn’t - you’re right.

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DT would benefit from some rough policing, I think.

Trump’s “joke” was just as funny as an airline passenger’s “joke” in the TSA line to don’t disturb the bomb in the luggage.

More accurately, it was about as funny as the airline pilot announcing mid-flight that there’s a bomb on the plane and he put it there.


Trump can’t help but admire the tactics used by despotic regimes, both past and present.

It hasn’t been Mayberry for a long time. Police need to be approachable if they want to get to know their communities and perhaps glean some useful information from a civilian contact.

Part of his privilege is no cop has ever hassled the Duffer in Chief. Part of his isolation is all he knows of reality is what he sees on TeeVee; most likely Cops or Bait Car or O Dear, Steven Segal movie reruns.

Anyway police are more likely to get sued, and people are less likely to inform cops. Minus 2.

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Let’s just be clear: Police are not supposed to be hired thugs or the mayor’s muscle.

It’s just that simple. They enforce the law and the law says that just because you arrest someone it doesn’t mean they are a criminal - that’s for the courts to decide.