Discussion: Women's Health Groups Gear Up For New Trump-Era Birth Control Fight


The BIG LOSER will lose of course!

He and Putin are the biggest loser in the world!

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And as soon as these kids are born they’ll not want to feed, clothe, educate or help medicate them and blame their lack of food, clothes, education and medication solely on those kids.


Yep…Ivanka’'s every woman touch is really showing s/


Yep…it’s really telling when you see an administration pull all Fed support for low income families and kids in his budget…and then remove the support that helps them keep their families at a manageable size without remaining celibate.

Wow. Just wow.


Just another instance of Trump doing what he can to hurt average people and make their lives more difficult. Sometimes I think he does it just because he can to spite what the majority of people want. Most of you want A. Well, look at me - I’m the president and you get Z. Petulant little boy.


Is the Ivanka’s last stand moment? She’s failed at modulating Daddy on the Paris Agreement and now this.


Trump doesn’t really care about any of this!

He’ll be happy as long as they does not piss off his big bosses in Moscow, simple as that!

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Well, “remaining celibate” is kinda the point. Humiliation and fear.

Sex, or grabbing them by the covfefe or whatever, is for rich people and/or men who don’t get pregnant. Bonus: if poorer women don’t have sufficient control over becoming pregnant and raising children, it’s only logical to pay them less and not give these unreliable folks promotions or certain jobs.

Control over family size is key for women’s economic success.


Am all over this…fought the first battle in the 1960’s /70’s and will be doing the same with more clout now…

Ugly old white males and their stepford wife/mistress types will not like the File 13 records we have on their D&C history exposed…

Bring it on…fools!

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Except for Donald’s mom. She got rich because her son was so smart and had so much business sense and built an empire from the ground up, starting with nothing…what? it was all due to her husband’s wealth that her son inherited not earned…who knew?

Before you ask, Ivanka has fought very hard to oppose this as she is the friend of all women everywhere and wants you all to know that her father, Donald Trump, is a pioneering champion of women. No one loves a pregnant woman more than Donald Trump.

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the mandate could lead to a “negative effect of changing sexual behavior” by providing birth control to teenage women.

Because anyone can point to the places where young women have access to birth control to see that they are starting screwing when they’re 13, having welfare babies, marrying younger and getting divorced multiple times.

Oh, wait.


Five years after the pledge, 82% of pledgers denied having ever pledged. Pledgers and matched nonpledgers did not differ in premarital sex, sexually transmitted diseases, and anal and oral sex variables. Pledgers had 0.1 fewer past-year partners but did not differ in lifetime sexual partners and age of first sex. Fewer pledgers than matched nonpledgers used birth control and condoms in the past year and birth control at last sex.


Not long after Roe v Wade was handed down, I had a long talk with my staunchly pro-choice mother about the issue of abortion. In the course of the conversation she stated that ending abortion rights wasn’t the ultimate goal of the pro-life ideologues—that what the zealots intended on doing was eliminating widespread access to birth control measures.

At the time—this was '73 or '74—I thought Mom was being a little extreme; who in their right mind would want to restrict birth control?

I was young and naive, and my then 60-year old mother had seen a lot more than I had. She grew up in rural Missouri in the 1920s and 1930s, and was very well acquainted with the Puritanical attitudes toward sex that the Southern Baptists and other conservative religionists had. She was well aware of the religious beliefs and attitudes of the anti-abortionists, and said that what those people really wanted to do was return society to the time when pregnancy was the penalty for sex.

She was right then, and would be right today if she was still around. I think she’s fortunate that she passed before the lunatics managed to roll back reproduction rights to the extent that they have—she’d have been disconsolate beyond measure.


is for rich people and/or men who don’t get pregnant.

What the forced-birthers never want to acknowledge is that rich people will ALWAYS have access to abortion when their precious little 17-year old gets knocked up. There will be an unexplained “vacation” for a couple of weeks to some unspecified location—perhaps Canada, or Europe—and little missy will return looking slightly more svelte.


Bring on the fight. We are not going back. Not now. Not ever.


Contraception is only important to Special Interest Groups. Just ask Rush…


For an example of that, look at the Colorado experiment. A foundation provided free IUDs for everyone who wanted them for five years. The results were stunning, a 40% drop in teen abortions and in unwanted teenage pregnancies. The case load for Colorado’s WIC program, a nutrition program for low-income women and their babies fell by 23%.

So this seems like an ideal win-win scenario that abortion opponents should jump at, right? Not so much:

Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of public policy for the conservative Christian ministry Focus on the Family, said she was skeptical of the state’s claim that increased access to IUDs and other birth control caused the steep decline in teen birth rates.

“What we have seen over many years is that access to contraception does not equal fewer unintended pregnancies and fewer abortions,” Earll said. “Availability of contraception leads to increased sexual activity, which leads to unintended pregnancies and abortions.” Earll said she found it offensive that the state was dispensing IUDs and that teens don’t need to be accompanied by an adult to receive these forms of contraceptives.

“It totally undermines parental rights,” Earll said.

So total denial of the benefits and outrage that someone might be able to have sex without paying the price of being forced to have a baby. In addition to reduction in abortions and pregnancies, there were other cost reductions:

Those costs include birth defects, low birth weight, elective abortion, maternal depression, increased risk of child abuse, lower educational attainment by mother, delayed prenatal care, high risk of physical violence against expectant mother and reduced rates of breastfeeding.

The family-planning program has saved $5.68 in Medicaid costs for every dollar spent on the contraceptives, the state said. The state has saved millions in health care expenditures — $42.5 million in public funds in 2010 alone based on the latest available data.

When the private foundation funding ran out, the state picked up the slack for a year. Naturally, the state’s Republicans were appalled at this and so they acted to block further funding an enormously successful program.

As one local report noted, “Opponents of the bill worried that increasing access to birth control would not have a net public health gain because it would increase promiscuity.” One GOP lawmaker accused the policy of “subsidizing sex.” Another said of the program, “Does that allow a lot of young women to go out there and look for love in all the wrong places?”

The amazing thing to remember here is that Colorado wasn’t talking about experimenting with a new policy measure; state lawmakers were considering whether to keep an existing policy in place. That’s important because, in this case, Colorado already knows the program was working.

In other words, Republican critics of the idea raised concerns that the policy might fail – which might be a credible point were it not for the fact that the policy has been in place for five years, offering real-world proof that those concerns are unfounded.

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“Free Birth-Control Programs Work. That’s Why Conservatives Want To Kill Them”

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The pro-dead-women caucus.