Discussion: Women In Poland Strike To Protest Proposal For Total Ban On Abortion

Same old Catholic Church. Sorry Pope Francis, they’re messing up your re branding attempts.

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How far the Church has strayed from Jesus, who would not want souls to be born into any but the most fortunate, cherishing circumstances, let alone wanting mothers to die giving birth to deformed monsters resulting from rape, as the Polish bishops delight in the contemplation of.

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Poland. Go there and this is no surprise. It’s the Kansas of Europe. Maybe some day…perhaps …they will learn that the Hard Right only sounds good when seeking election. After that it’s hell to pay. The Polish people had one of the most successful revolutions in modern times only to vote for the same style oppression they rose against.

You’d think the people of planet Earth could see this coming. It always wears the same cloths. Religious garb or Set You Free t-shirts.

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This ban was proposed by Parliament member Michał Penski.

The foreign minister isn’t helping. Which is a bad sign, because if anyone in a rightwing government should know how bad this looks, it’s the diplomatic service.

Even in the case of the life of the woman? It’s hard to contemplate being in the room with such a monster who would try to make such a law against fellow humans.

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I’ll bet abortion legislation like this wouldn’t get traction if the same penalties were applied to the sperm providers because they obviously enabled abortions through lack of prevention. Trumpian logic.

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I was in Krakow a few summers ago. Everywhere we went there was a picture of the Polish ex-pope. I think it’s time to more on.

“The law and justice” party. Their leaders were really into Trump until the Putin bromance came to light. Now all of a sudden they again try to make nice with Merkel, who they previously vilified over the handling of the refugee crisis.