Discussion for article #221191
Do we know why she did it yet? Or is she just loony tunes? Even though if she had a reason it’s still a crazy thing to do.
…how long until Tucker or Rush offers to pay for pitching lessons for Ernst?
It’s a conspiracy to make the “Hillary had it all set up” meme even more toxic… Not only did she set it up, but she had the poor lady charged with a federal crime!!
Annie, according to the National Journal, the woman is a conspiracy theorist wallowing in the whole New World Order thing.
She’s been obsessed with the Aurora theatre shooter, James Holmes, going so far as to file a motion claiming she had evidence for his exoneration. (His mind had been taken over.)
The story is here. My guess is that Hillary, speaking at a convention for trash and recycling people, apparently represented another NWO threat. Or something.