Discussion: Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson Stands By Trump, But Won't Say His Name

VOLDEMORT! There, i did it for him.


His main asset in German-Scandinavian territory is his last name. Heā€™d be down by 20 if not for low informatiion voters. And so-called ā€œmoderate Republicans,ā€ who are also voting for Trumpy despite all their sanctimonious hand-wringing.



Because everybody will forget who the nominee is if Johnson doesnā€™t name him?

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Just had throw this in the mix:

Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you
Say baby I love you
If you ainā€™t runninā€™ game
Say my name, say my name
You actinā€™ kinda shady
Ainā€™t callinā€™ me baby
Why the sudden change
Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you
Say baby I love you
If you ainā€™t runninā€™ game
Say my name, say my name
You actinā€™ kinda shady
Ainā€™t callinā€™ me baby
Why the sudden change

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The presidential race has cast a shadow over Wisconsinā€™s Senate campaign, as Johnson said he supports but does not endorse Trump.

ā€œIā€™ve not been shy in disagreeing with our candidate, with our nominee. Iā€™m not going to defend the indefensible.ā€ Johnson said during the debate.

What issues does Senator Johnson support his nominee on? (At this point, Iā€™m striking the flag in regards to the endorse vs. support difference.)

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m close to ā€˜breaking a windowā€™ angry.

These turkeys should have been pinned in with Trump, the moment when

a) that support vs endorse b.s. started to occur. Either the incumbent R is backing his/her candidate or they arenā€™t. If they are, then they need to be called on the issues that they and Trump have a lot in common on.

b) when McConnell and his lieutenants declared that the Senate was going to be some bulwark against a President Trump, the DSCC should have bought back the number of times that a Republican majority senate ā€˜pimp slappedā€™ a Republican president on any piece of major legislation. Now there have been times when thatā€™s happened, but chances are that list is very small.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m just going to be mellow these next three weeks, because what could go wrong?

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They wont same my nameā€¦ the GOP wants & needs me as their Presidentā€¦

Remember Ladiesā€¦ vote for the GOP ticketā€¦ America needs Degenerate Trump to lead the USA !!!

The GOP knows what a women needā€¦

Radical Oligarchic Terrorism.

Profiles in courage, Ron.