Discussion: Wisconsin Mayor Says Muslim Obama Has 'Destroyed Fabric Of Democracy'

E-Mail the Mayor here at:



Huh. An old white male freaked out by the Obamas.

That’s new and different!

In other news, water is wet.


I assume he wants Obama to lock up all Muslims, thereby repairing the fabric of democracy…


“Unbelievable! She and her Muslim partner have destroyed the fabric of democracy that was so very hard fought for!”

No, Sour Cakes – that was Dick Cheney and his Butt-Boy Dubya.


He’s right. We don’t even have democracy anymore! Obama destroyed it because he’s a Muslim! We’re living under tyrannical dictatorship! Wake up sheeple!

Anyhoo, I’m thinking of taking the kids to the driving range later and maybe going out for some pizza afterward if anybody else cares to join in. Nice enough weather to maybe even drop the top and roll through town depending on time. Also, Star Wars tix! Two extra but you gotta be there 8:00pm sharp!


You have just described all narcissistic people and the vast majority of today’s Republicans.


No, no, no – he’s referring to the white cotton.


He just doesnt like the idea of a Cotton Picker to be the top boss.


When you are as clueless as he, shaming simply does not work. Years of Fox and Sean and Rush have eradicated that gene from his body. All that is left is a vile concoction of anger, envy, hatred, racism, sexism, all mixed up with his spittle into a frothy, stinking mess.


Sixty years ago, the John Birch Society’s founder Robert Welch claimed that both Dwight Eisenhower and General George C. Marshall were Commies (“But my firm belief that Dwight Eisenhower is a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy is based on an accumulation of detailed evidence so extensive and so palpable that it seems to me to put this conviction beyond any reasonable doubt.”), and were hell-bent on destroying American civilization through the imposition of Communist control in the U.S.

The Birchers were deemed so nutty by modern conservative hero William F. Buckley that in 1962 he wrote a scorching op-ed in The National Review basically reading the Birchers out of the conservative movement. As Buckley biographer John Judis writes, "By 1961, Buckley was beginning to worry that with the John Birch Society growing so rapidly, the right-wing upsurge in the country would take an ugly, even Fascist turn rather than leading toward the kind of conservatism National Review had promoted.” Buckley was a typical conservative asshole in many ways, but he was very prescient about what direction rightwing nuttery would take if it wasn’t actively combatted by establishment conservatives.

As Sean Wilentz demonstrates, Bircherism didn’t disappear—it continues today in the form of the Tea Party, led by such loons as Glenn Beck:

What I find interesting is that this goofball Hagen resides in Superior, Wisconsin, which just a long afternoon’s drive from the John Birch Society’s headquarters in Appleton, Wisconsin.


I think they call that loophole “Lying for the Lord.”


“when them cotton balls get rotten
you can’t pick very much cotton
in them old cotton fields back home”
Great song of gleeful insurgency. Never far from my heart.

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Knowing President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, I’d bet my next dollar that if either one or both of these fine folks sat down to a glass of tea, beer or whatever with these haters, most of these jerks would come back and say, “Well, now that I’ve met them and personally got to talk with them for an hour, you know they really ain’t all that bad of people … you know?”

Please note, I said most of these jerks – certainly not all of them can be saved. That said, it’s not President Obama’s responsibility to personally see to it these fuckers act like adult human beings. It is their own responsibilities – and they seem to be failing in great numbers.


“When I was a little bity baby, my mama would rock me in the cradle
in them old
cotton fields back home.”

Edit: An American classic. Great memories. Thank you.


Wow – I’ve been looking everywhere for a hot pink polyester leisure suit! It really is the perfect choice to compliment white skin.


“destroyed the fabric of democracy” = smart, cool black guy got elected twice by huge margins.


Suppose this were the case:

Out of the Soviet era staging “cities”, in which French, English, American or other Western nationalities are created for agents to go forth (complete with “identities” and funds to expedite) and Do Damage…

Comes Rupert Murdoch.

The rest is history. An entire group of age-cohorts permanently destroyed in the United States.

Actually, I do not believe that the above was the case. With Murdoch, probably what we have is what we have.

But I DO believe that Murdoch has been fantastically more successful than any Soviet agent could have been. Welcome to 21st Century America: a Bizarro combination of Space Age/Cyber Age/Information Age Derp, wedded with the same ancient racists who reliably come out to vote (they elected this guy).


sure…right…Muslim AKA…OMG a black guy won the White House…twice.

your not fooling anyone Mr. Mayor…


The folks who elected him probably have no major issues with his statement. THAT is the problem. 1/2 of America is waking up to find that 1/3 of America are still xenophobic haters…


Five members out of a total of ???