Discussion: Wife Of Illinois Police Officer Who Staged Suicide Indicted

Discussion for article #245193

Another TPM headline fail. He didn’t stage a suicide. He committed suicide and staged it to look like a homicide.


He staged his suicide to look like a murder.


Pathetic. The stole around $10K…

used by the couple to pay for, among other things, a vacation in Hawaii and trips to Fox Lake Theatre, Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts and more than 400 other restaurant charges.

When the deceased officer picture flashed across my tv screen, I felt then that this officer had issues. It was written all over his face and sure enough, his victory in death was truly a lie! What a way to be remembered by…being a liar to the fracking end!

What a great model for people who want to buck the system. I’m sure all those kids in the program got a different one.

I hope.

Going to be hard to find the stolen money, since she obviously spent it all on donuts!

But…but…I’m the widow of a policeman killed on duty!

So …she is available?

… prompting tough questions about why it had taken so long to reach that conclusion.

The tougher questions are why they tolerated a guy who had numerous known workplace performance violations, completely aside from the embezzlement discovered later.

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All yours for the taking, Mr. Root.

Holy shit. Amazing how many people work so hard doing something illegal to make money when it seems like if they worked that hard on something legit they’d make almost as much and never have to worry about getting caught and going to jail.

Looks like it was quite a bit more than that, something in the high five figures. http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20151117/news/151119003/

Still not huge by white-collar crime standards, but not chump change, either.

It’s that blue line. Some of FLPD Officers didn’t support and cover for him. They were sick of the behavior, but when the chief covers, it’s hard to get something done. Gleniewicz was supposed to be suspended for a month, which would have led to his firing, so the chief broke the suspension up into four week-long suspensions. Several officers sent a letter to the City Manager, when she was first hired, complaining about the behavior.

Living in the Chicago area, we were bombarded with media coverage of the months-long investigation. One thing that stood out was a former detective that was charged because he demanded the Lake County Sheriff declare Gleniewicz’s death a suicide- that happened about a week into the investigation, and was really strange. It turned out he was right.

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I recall reading about that detective. Did anyone figure out if/how he really knew or was he just nuts?

Thanks for the correction on the $. Checking back, the article I saw had confirmed $10K but were still okking. Makes sense, price of donuts has gone up! Still, isn’t that a lot of money for an Explorer post activity? We’re they dunning for contributions too? Of course they have many grifter examples…

I never heard anything else about the guy. He knew something or was a mad, mad genius.