Discussion: WHY WAS BARR THE DECIDER? Legal Experts Puzzled By Attorney General's Obstruction Decision

What I meant of course was the news on my phone - the headlines that they send me as notices. The NYT sent out a headline notice that Barr went beyond the report to protect the president.

@jtx - I’m sure they will improve temporarily.


The question is, will the majority of the American public believe this is over and go about their business?!! T We all saw crimes committed in the light of day, we don’t have answers to so many loose ends. Trump Jr lied to Congress, what the hell is happening with Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi? WTF? The information that is public is damning enough, I refuse to believe that was it, that there wasn’t a stinking cesspool of crime and bad behavior that we didn’t know about. I mean, c’mon…

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I figured you meant that. Seen lots of different things today, but first among them was BBC: “T* Triumphant after Mueller Findings.”

When, of course, we have no freaking idea what his findings were.

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Right - it was like that last night, too. All the news outlets were reporting it as if the actual Mueller Report had cleared the president.

How the fuck would we know? We haven’t seen the actual report and now they are acknowledging that Barr’s letter was intended to protect Trump and that leaves the big fat open question: from what?


Being less than a week after orthopedic surgery I am not at the top of my game, but yesterday I someone claim Mueller did not have a summary section of who was prosecuted vs. who was not and why. If true it makes me wonder if Mueller was forced to wrap up on short notice.

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It’s like a Flat Earther with a telescope called in about the nature of the surface of the moon, and the headlines reported his definitive “findings.”

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For Pete’s sake, you sound like a Fox talking head, only one who espouses liberal propaganda. The media have done a commendable job calling this president to task, working to unveil the clandestine harm the administration has tried to do, and yes, shepherding the Mueller investigation with a spotlight on any and all attempts to subvert it. Do they sometime start echoing the same distracting nonsense? Of course. The cable channels have hours and hours of airtime to fill, and they have not learned the lessons of their all-Trump, all-the-time coverage of the 16 campaign. Now it is all AOC and the Green New Deal and what are the Dems doing now. But that doesn’t detract from the very important, good work of the David Fahrentholds, and yes, the Michael Schmidts and Phillip Ruckers. The Times article about Barr’s characterization of the Mueller report that just broke is very clear in pointing out that this is very much an agenda of Barr’s, while remaining neutral and waiting to see what the report actually contains. So don’t go on about MSM complicity. It makes you literally NO different from Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham, no matter which end of the political spectrum your sympathies lie.


What can we do?

Barr is deciding because he can. He’s doing what he was paid to do, just as Mueller threw the investigation and handed Trump and his criminal family a victory. America’s looking more like itself every day.

The media just loves towing the corporate line and dumbing down of America.

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What makes you believe that Mueller’s any different?

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Mark Twain would have told these crooks exactly where to go – so it’s not entirely surprising that you mention him, but still I am grateful that you did.


Thanks … you understand the game.

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I guess, I was mostly hoping he is different.


More so than his cachinnating critics – but I’ll be nice and not mention names.


You saw a “maybe” somewhere? I must have missed it!

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No, I don’t. Not even remotely. I’m well familiar with Douglas Schoen and his ilk. Contrary to most people here, I spend a lot of time in that swamp getting to know what we’re dealing with.

And I will go on about MSM complicity. They are demonstrably complicit. Anyone who can look at the state of our politics and political journalism and think that there isn’t a symbiosis going on between them is a fool. Take the misrepresentation someone made earlier that the MSM was on HRC’s side the entire time. All you have to do to understand that they weren’t and that they helped Trump immensely all throughout 2016 is look at the studies about how they conducted their coverage, the actual substance of it, the slavish devotion to bullhorning every outlandish, outrageous thing that came out of Trump’s mouth while ignoring HRC’s policy discussion…even to the point of the consistent, apparently agreed upon negative word choice they used for headlines and articles when talking about HRC, no matter which news source you were looking at. You think any of that’s changed? Nope. Not even remotely.

And grow the fuck up. Comparing me and what I’ve said to Carlson or Ingraham is not only patently fucking false and a gross exaggeration, but shows you apparently don’t have enough familiarity with their actual filth, what they actually do and say, to know what you’re talking about. Fucking absurd.


Here’s to a quick and complete recovery.

Make sure you follow your doctor’s orders – unless you don’t want to!

Why does Barr want to appear as another one of T’s flunkies?

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T’s approval ratings have been fairly stable but have recently ticked up a bit.

It’s my understanding all of Mueller’s indictments had to go through the DOJ anyhow, so him leaving this one up to the AG isn’t surprising. What we need is context. Barr only quoted partial statements of Mueller’s in his Summary, we need to see the full Mueller report and read those quotes in context to fully understand Mueller’s findings in the obstruction portion of his investigation. I agree Barr should not be trusted, I think that was evident from his history and him being nominated for the AG job. Personally I think Barr is a mix of sycophant and coward who is afraid to push the indictment of the President and instead is leaving it up to Congress, because he knows a Republican Senate will never, in a million years, impeach.

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