Discussion: Why The Most Urgent Civil Rights Cause Of Our Time Is The Supreme Court Itself

Being an atheist, my objection is the religious makeup of the court. Most follow Catholicism which in my opinion have too many don’ts and anti and not enough pro. Divorce, abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, contraception, and no women in leadership. I’m talking in the Vatican and dioceses who can speak for the church. Four Justices consult their religion instead of the Constitution. Scalia, Opus Dei, Alito, his old lady Opus Dei, Thomas, the puppet 'nuff said, and Roberts. Roberts went against the grain on the ACA but he will make up for it. At the time the court was so political, not like it isn’t now, but he was worrying about his legacy. They are the reason you can predict outcomes of most decisions! If a corporation is involved those four are a given. And it goes against the corporation, those four will be in dissent.

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Riiight. Tell the New York Times that they’re free to publish anything they like. They just can’t spend any money on ink, paper, electricity to run the presses, people to distribute the paper… And claim you’re not a censor, because you’re just regulating money.

If you condition the spending of money on what it’s used to publish, you’re a censor. Somehow you manage to understand that when regulation of medicine is conditioned on whether or not the medical procedure is an abortion, you’re regulating abortion. But the point goes over your head when it’s speech?

Sadly, seems the two liberal (Ginsburg and Breyer) and one “moderate” (Kennedy) justice are the ones who are most likely to retire as well leaving us with no net gain for the foreseeable future. Scalia’s old but I don’t see him retiring if a Democrat is President, no matter what it means for his health or the court.

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This is literally the MOST important issue in this next election. This piece spells it out in precise way. We could get another 2 like Justice Thomas. GW Bush started this far right lurch by taking advantage of the last tattered pieces of Senatorial deference to the President. Thats gone now. Any issue you care about will be decided by these nine people. That should scare the hell out of you, and surely push you to vote…if you have to crawl to get there

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This here is the choir, Reverend. The congregation is thataway.


No one, ever should ever have an appointment for life!

This clown is the poster-boy of that fact!

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Not ONLY the White House, but you must also take back control of the Senate or you will NEVER get anyone even remotely Liberal confirmed.

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“This to not to say it is just politics in these cases, or that these Justices are making crassly partisan decisions.” Of course they are. Why should these idiots behave any differently than any other idiot throughout the history of time? A black robe confers no special intellectual or moral superiority. I would further argue that anyone who voluntarily dresses in a black robe is actually more prone than the rest of us idiots to making emotional decisions based on feelings.

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This issue must be totally emphasized while getting out the votes for the 2016 election. It is a problem that has never had
this much importance in our history, period. the American people are so damn ignorant of politics, it is crazy. things that

mean so much to the people yet they do not vote for it. The Europeans think/know how ignorant we are

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Scalia: "“I am an originalist. I am a textualist. I am not a nut.”

Fraud would be a best word.

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Trying to picture this. Bust lift and short skirt on the high court… He would date her if she wasn’t a sitting justice, but still she could be his special friend on weekends, maybe overseas trips…

A look at the lower court judges appointed by prior Republican presidents that would be on the short list is enough for concern. Not only a host of reactionary grads of Fallwell and Regent University but former Bush lawyers who wrote the infamous torture memos as well as Janice Rogers Brown a women who pines for the Lochner era, opposes any government regulation and has said the New Deal was the “Triumph of the socialist revolution”.

In other words a Fox “legal analyst”.

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This is why people who vote in presidential elections and ignore midterms frustrate the hell out of me. Who passes the confirmation process,or not for a judgeship is arguably the most importation aspect of our democracy,and it can only go your way if you have a like minded congress. Ironically, it has been my experience that the same people who complain that nothing ever changes are the same ones who ignore midterm elections.

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What are you talking about?
What does the press have to do with individual billionaires purchasing a megaphone so big that no one can possible ignore it, must listen to it all hours of the day and night, and cannot possibly respond in-kind?

Normal people can never hope to compete with the money that floods politics today, and that’s the whole point. All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others - where have I heard that before?

“Publishing” has absolutely nothing to do with it - it’s all about the propaganda…but you already know that, don’t you?

Berners, Jill Stein voters and those who stayed home on election day all got their wish.

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Moreover, how did we get Roberts and Alito? “There is no difference between George W. Bush and Al Gore.” Worked out great, too.

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It was George HW Bush that gave us Thomas…fyi, and Democrats controlled the Senate at the time

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Yes, I remember that vividly. GHW Bush was a rotten president. I still don’t think we know the whole story there. We do know there were at least two other witnesses who had comparable stories as Anita Hill. At the time I suspected some kind of blackmail.

That was also after a big turning point on how the political parties approached the SCOTUS after the Bork nomination went down. From then on, Republicans always viewed the court through a political lens. The Democrats didn’t until the last couple of years, but Republicans had several decades advantage, and we are now seeing those seeds they planted way back growing to maturity (more like noxious weeds)

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