Discussion: Why The Crazy-Long CNN Debate Solved None Of The GOP's Problems

Fascinating. He could just win the nomination, couldn’t he?

I was on a flight the week Carson garnered his first major attention on FOX. The woman from Colorado next to me seemed nice and steered our light conversation toward this really incredibly smart articulate conservative black man who could be a real President. Thankfully, she took the hint to end the conversation before I started saying anything inflammatory in response. The appeal for her seemed to be the anti-Obama for a party that’s mired in racism… she got to feel magnanimous about supporting a BLACK candidate, who still spouted all the wing-nut rhetoric she loved, and was even SMARTER (a BRAIN surgeon!) than that community organizer/lawyer the Democrats put into office.


The eventual Republican ticket will contain one or more of these characters. I think that the most frightening outcome would be a campaign ticket of Kasich (Pres) and Rubio (VP) in the general election. Some ideological balance there, likely attractive to many donors, and most importantly, electoral control of both Ohio ands Florida. I predict that these two will persist for a long time.

BINGO - And please media, stop calling this a debate. It was a series of questions taliored to each candidates pet ideas and issues. Nothing new was learned. For example ask Huckabeeeee about foreign policy instead of pro-life or gay marriage question, we already know where he stands.


I really really hope he is not nominated. Politics as life has a large element of chance to it. Something might happen to our candidate, or world events might color the election without time for reason to prevail, etc. This is a game of dice we should not be willing to rush into. As Democrats we should hope that the best Republican in the field is put up. I’m not sure who that might be (this is a really pitiful group this cycle), but I’m sure Trump is not it.

Yes, Trump is not a politician. He is a businessman (who is much more of a failure at that than he would ever admit; amongst his heavily-endowed-at-birth peers he is much much less successful at increasing his fortune than his peers, and he can’t claim that he doesn’t crave after wealth with every fiber of his being, so he should at least rank well if you exclude those with philanthropic goals). But, businessmen rarely, in fact pretty much never, dwell at leading a country, because a country is not a business and if you try to treat it as such you are in for a world of hurt for yourself but especially for those in the country.

Make no mistake: a Trump presidency would be an absolute disaster for America, especially coming just 8 years after the end of that buffoon of a President George W Bush. Internationally, the US would be (rightfully) seen as a flailing country, unable to elect competent leadership. Policy-wise, Trump has already doubled down on some of the most horrendous and disastrous foreign and domestic policies I’ve ever heard serious talk about.


Articulate? Wow! Watch Amy Schumer Generations.

Why is it that whenever there’s a discussion of GOP candidates, Monty Python comes up? A lot?

It’s probably illegal, but maybe John Cleese should run for President?

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I don’t disagree. But he is mouthing the right words in an energetic (rolls eyes at Bush and Trump) way that played well to most viewers. Never mind there is not any on that stage who isn’t a lightweight, though I suppose Kasich may be the exception that proves the rule. And even then Kasich is a disaster waiting to happen.

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I think she was referring to the baby scene in Eraserhead.

Its remarkable to me that these clowns mistakenly believe that their view of the world represents mainstream America. While viewers were watching, every candidate who could bragged about shutting down planned parenthood in their state ad nauseum as if this is a settled issue across the nation. They spent a lot of time on this. As this circle jerk went on, Trump said not a word, letting all the governors hang themselves with not one of them having the sense to force him to publicly state his position on the defunding ’ issue’. The more they talked, the more they validated what Trump has been saying about them all along: Scott Walker is a fake, Jeb! Bush is lame, Carly can’t get anything right even when they tee up one softball after another for her (300,000 dying veterans?), and Carson is crazier than Trump is, he just voices his bullshit politely. Imagine if Trump had said what Carson did about men in prison choosing to be gay. Kasich and Paul were the only ones concerned about facts: Paul taking Christie to school for supporting criminalizing recreational marijuana, and Kasich destroying Ted Cruz on the Iran deal by voicing President Obama’s Iran position better than anyone working for the President has yet to do. There it is the Republican brain trust: Paul and Kasich. Makes me prouder than ever to be a Democrat.


Nope, still just two.

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Thanks for pointing out my typos! Sometimes in the heat of the moment I forget to proofread before hitting “reply”. And I certainly would not disparage Mr Obama’s ears. I am sure he hears far better than I do (as I am somewhat older than he is) among the many skills he has that are far superior to mine.

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If you’re waiting for specifics from Trump (or any of these people) you’ll be in for a long wait.

Full of Sound and Furry
Signifying nothing…

Conservative Dad is thinking of a line attributed to or adapted from Machiavelli. Macbeth killed the hell out of the king and that didn’t really help in the end. Here’s a better line from Old Nick: “he who seeks to deceive can always find someone willing to be deceived.”

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Alack, I am afraid they have awaked,
And ’tis not done. Th’ attempt and not the deed
Confounds us. Hark! I laid their daggers ready;

the only thing missing is Palin…

It was a funny typo, which I appreciate. It especially resonates because wingnuts often focus on Obama’s ears as though they’re somehow relevant to the discussion.

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“Why The Crazy-Long CNN Debate Solved None Of The GOP’s Problems”

Wait, Wait… Run that by me again…

You are expecting the Grumpy Old Party “Debates” to solve their problems.

  1. Why in the world would you WANT to solve the obvious problems in a screwed up gaggle of people like this?
  2. Is the world any safer from this squad of clowns and clods once their problems are “Solved”?
  3. Think of all the poor, starving stand up comics in night clubs all over who would lose a wealth of material if the GOP “problems” were “solved.”
    Not all “problems” in the world are amicable to rational solutions.
    Leave well enough alone.
    Especially when your enemies are destroying themselves.
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