Even the Vietnamese want Louis Vuitton.
Look at you, making assumptions and generalizations about me and others who you know nothing about. But thanks for assigning me, the son of a lower middle class (in the day) farmer membership in the bourgeoisie! LOL!! And most of my gullible and naive friends visited exotic locales while serving our country, not too many cared to leave again after making it home.
Guess you’re just pissed that backpackers won’t pay to stay in your Inn.
I wish I was a child again n00b! Looking at sixty nine next year is a real drag.
Making those ***ASS***umptions and ***ASS***ignations only serves to highlight guess what about you?
Did someone step on your wee wee Inman?
WOW! Is that a genuine Lois Vuitton Yoke that person is carrying?
He/She must have worked double shifts for years at the Ho Chi Minh Starbucks and Pizza Hooch to afford such splendor.
Long Live trickle down!!!
I wonder where she got the idea that people were clamoring to tell her about their vacation to Cuba? Someone should write an article explaining why they don’t want to hear about “the emotions pouring through” a second-generation Cuban who has never bothered to visit the country she claims to be so emotional about.
I mean no disrespect to anyone when I say: It’s time to get over it and move on. Because it is actually long, LOOOONG past that time.
Inman sez…
You can not simultaneously believe in the power of capitalism and simultaneously refuse to believe it will act as a disruptive agent when injected into Castro’s 50 year stranglehold of power.
Pick a side, Marco.
WOW Inman!..here you seem to be saying exactly what I’ve been saying.
But absent all the Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons over backpackers, feeelthie rich keeds of the Bourgeoisie so on and so forth.
Claramente , me imagino que si se podía oír su voz que se oye el acento inconfundible de la nobleza. En América Latina , siempre supusimos que un acento cubano vino de alta clase orígenes educados
I can’t help but think he has, and is being propped up by his brother, “Weekend At Bernies” style until they canspirit enough wealth out of the country to leave quietly in the dead of night, much like his predecessors.
Thank you. The father in law is a nice, friendly man who doesn’t speak about those times. I asked his wife about it a while go and she frowned at the change she experienced in Cuba after Castro. “Everything changed,” she said.
Their son, my brother in law, came here as a young boy and to this day still seems a bit moody and with a chip on his shoulder, like there’s some old trauma he still hasn’t gotten out of his system.
And they need that job now that prices have gone through the roof they suddenly can’t afford without it. The more you work the more money you need to survive and the more money you need to survive the more you have to work. That way we can become the epitome of Western evolution from Cro-Magnon Man to Consumer Man.
I’m hoping the Castro Regime decides to go slowly and remain in control, as perverse as that may sound. My goal would be more of the social progression demonstrated by China, with an opening of the culture and introduction of cultural/capitalist norms that will allow new generations of Cubans to embrace opportunities while maintaining some sort of cultural integrity. Russia went through such a radical change in such a short period that Putin was able to easily grab power and move democracy back a generation or more.
I’m thinking much the same. The regime needs to move slowly and deliberately in allowing American Corporate interests to come in. The people of Cuba should be the parties to benefit economically and not those who fled the country and now have the money to go back in to capitalize from it.
The regime needs to find a means of ensuring that Cubans reap the bulk of the economic rewards instead of outsiders. But can they be entrusted to do this?
If you traveled thru India and SE Asia as you said then you contributed as much to the “problem” you so detest as any of the folks you are so pissed at. Look to your self before you dump on others.
So, you’re saying that you prefer rich spoiled tourist straw men over other phony outrage-inducing, manufactured straw men? Hey, what ever floats yer boat, Inny, but you seem to have a chip on your shoulder. Maybe it’s time for you to move out and get a job?
Yeah, there’s the rub, isn’t it? At the least, I think there will be several million Americans interested in trading nice new cars for restorable vintage cars purported to be down in Cuba.
Nice avatar!!!2SWQq@!!q!!2qQ1!@2!!!1!!!
Hello Senor Darr. Haven’t seen you in a while, but still offering good stuff, as usual.
Oh, I’ve been here, never worry. Back in the day and many times since I’ve crossed the pond and seen exotic places much as InmanRoshi has. I just don’t agree with his take on backpackers. I’ve done both. Backpaked and stayed in nice places. My secret to good experiences while traveling is to treat folks with respect and dignity. it’s simple really.
What exactly does that even mean? People have such weird ideas today about what headlines are, should be, really everything about them. But really, I’m curious what it even means that the headline was “trolling TPM’s readers”.
Sorry, it’s always bugged me that the Cuban exiles never tried to or wanted to assimilate, and politicians of both parties had to pander to them to avoid the ‘soft on Communism’ label. My ancestors fled the worst disaster in 19th century history and by the second generation had moved out of the self-imposed ghettos and fully identified with the American dream. Yeah, the island isn’t frozen in time, and yeah, the poor writer’s family escaped with their lives and hard cash, but for her dad to raise her in the “we’re going back and taking up our old life as soon as the US gets rid of Castro” attitude is simply ridiculous. I for one welcome the end of this ridiculous policy - maybe we can finally be rid of Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and her ilk.