The authorities (State and Federal) MUST pick these guys off one-by-one after the standoff ends and arrest and prosecute them under the full extent of the law! Once prosecuted - take away their guns and their right to vote as law breaking and treasonous terrorists!
Bundy is no different than a middle eastern radical cleric with anti-Democracy and anti-American sentiment! Old man Bundy needs to be prosecuted.
“”“It’s a matter of weighing risks and benefits: How far do you want to go in a situation where you’ve got people who are armed and unpredictable,” Burken said."""
Well take 5 guys into a bank and have the robbery go south and you’ll see exactly how far “they” are willing to go. SWAT, snipers, M-16’s and grenades…hostages or not…is how far they are willing to go.
But look at the logic here. If they are armed you best walk on egg shells…resolve it “peacefully” or “let them go home to their families”. If they are unarmed students…pepper spray, beatings and resisting arrest is the way to go. If its an Occupy group or a BLM protest ( those folks are unarmed ) then balls to the wall with the batons, shields and tasers. Hell shoot em if you need to.
This article gets the whole fucking thing wrong. In neither case, Ruby Ridge or Waco did the Feds go wrong. In Waco a peaceful attempt to resolve the issue was thwarted by the murder of several Federal agents at the door. The place was put under siege ( with military equipment which is now all the rage ) and then set on fire by the folks inside. Most were killed by their Guru…not the Feds. But the author of the article takes a position that’s a known canard… That law enforcement over reacted. That was conjured up by GOP’ers to cast blame on Janet Reno…and had nothing to do with the truth. Same for Ruby Ridge. Interestingly the author brings up OKC…and I’d like to remind her that situations like that are exactly what the Feds are trying to stop. Given the horror of that day what exactly is too much on the behalf of the Feds?
Oregon is happening because no one did shit about that crap at Bundy ranch. We still haven’t been told why cops across America shoot and kill because they thought someone might be armed but took no action against that asshole perched on a bridge with a high powered rifle trained on Federal Agents…sniper style. Note to the cops…he was armed…heavily and pointing his arms at you. Freddie Gray was not and Tamir Rice had a toy. Why gives?
Lets call a spade a spade. The handling of Bundy ranch was cowardly. The BLM guys chickened out. No one wants to mention that so a strategy of " don’t talk about it" was adopted which mutually included doing nothing about it. That’s what went down.
I think we forget that there are potential sympathizers within the local law enforcement and civilian population. You don’t go in with guns blazing when your back is covered by a sympathizer’s gun.
First of all there was no “disaster” at Waco that was the fault of the Feds. It was the fault of a whacked out psycho and his whacked out psycho followers. Who so innocently murdered 4 Federal agents peacefully trying to serve a warrant. Those were the first shots fired.
But I can think of no better way to make more nutcases then to let them act with impunity or use kid gloves in your handling of them. How, exactly, is the shit that went down at Bundy ranch supposed to give militiamen second thoughts? That was a carte blance to do as they fucking please. And why is harsh…lock em up…beat em up…shoot em if you got em…law enforcement what the rest of need to be “kept in line” but these assholes need a peck on the cheek or they might do it again?
"The Bureau of Land Management remains resolute in addressing issues involved in efforts to gather Mr. Bundy’s cattle and we are pursuing the matter through the legal system,” the agency said in a statement from spokesman Craig Leff.
The BLM already won in court (the legal system). Do your job, please. Enforce the laws of the land. Now.
This is one of those no wins for the feds. These guys are going to see it their way either way. The problem is they did nothing really. I think everybody gets why they did not start a war there. Loads of people would have died to protect a criminal with one side making lofty claims. Still surprised they did not go in after and arrest him.
These are actually some of the most dangerous domestic terror groups as they are looking for a fight and going to support people breaking the law. protecting them from their own actions. Does not make much sense and really what they are asking for is pretty stupid and nonsensical when you get down to it.
The answer is, yes they are breaking the law but not really that bad, it’s just an empty building or some crappy grazing land. So, let the faux bad guys be bad because confronting them is worse.
Except, the shack attackers are being emboldened and becoming more daring. They won’t quit until it does become another Ruby Ridge.
Of course, the glaring fact that they are white and allowed to insurrect peaceably, if that is possible while armed to the gills, is a dilemma for the authorities. BLM has a real purpose and legitimate complaint. Those of the Muslim faith are condemned just because. The militia pansies are just dudes trying to play tough and going about it all wrong. If anyone deserves to be railroaded, it’s these true criminals that foment anger against our government and intentionally break the law because they know they are privileged enough to get away with it.
The wait and see method is a kicking of the can down the road method. No, it doesn’t need to be a shootout but action has to be taken. Just apply the law to everyone involved.
Why Did The Feds Let Cliven Bundy Get Away With His 2014 Showdown?
~cough!~ cough!~ “White…white…” ~cough!~
The Ballad of the Bundys:
(AKA: Welfare Cowboy!)
♪┏ ♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪__Oh give me a home
Next to land I don’t own
Where well armed
Militia pricks play
Where Rightie wingnuts adore
All Bagger calls fer’ range war
Over grazing fees
I ain’t gonna’ pay.
Home, home
I’m deranged.
We’ll ignore
What the federal courts say.
And make ar’ own goddamned rules
And keep acting like fools,
While my cows MOOch off the guvment’ all day!__ ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗♪
That very fact goes to the heart of at least part of my considerations on this issue. These folks believe they got away with doing what they did because of the black man in the White House because they “just know” Obama wouldn’t dare touch them in any significant way because he wouldn’t want to start a real race riot (which would be a self-fulfilled prophecy to these jerks). Do I believe Pres. Obama used kid gloves for this reason? No. I’m guessing Obama told BLM to handle as they see fit. My main concern here is when these guys keep on getting away with these kinds of acts, it just emboldens others like them – race considerations or not.
Personally, I’m rather disappointed in the way this has been handled – the Nevada Bundy Ranch episode. I’m withholding final judgment on the Oregon “standoff” until things play out further.
Nice dodge job on the behalf of the BLM. The issue isn’t Bundy’s cattle. The issue is their cowardly behavior at the ranch when confronted with armed and hostile militiamen ( most not from Nevada ) . No one says a shoot out was mandatory but after defusing the situation a wad of arrests were in order. Did not happen. No one was arrested for aiming a weapon at and threatening to kill Federal Agents in the lawful conduct of their duties.
Having learned the lessons of the MOVE siege, when Philadelphia cops ended a standoff with black militants by burning down an entire block of innocent black people’s houses, killing eleven people including five children, law enforcement has adopted de-escalation techniques when dealing with confrontations in the African-American community.
So who said anything about “going in with guns blazing”? That’s complete strawman bullshit. The simple fact is that two years later, Bundy is still walking around free, making speeches, and making millions of dollars grazing his cattle for free on OUR land. And absolutely NO LEGAL ACTION of any kind has been taken against him. It would be a simple legal matter to put a lien on his ranch for the money he owes, so that if nothing else, his idiot kids wouldn’t inherit it when he dies. This would be so simple the lowest ranking lawyer in the DOJ could handle it in a couple of days. And yet, that hasn’t been done. Why not?
I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high if I were you. Unless the Bundy Brigade does something more foolish, they will skate. There are political considerations being made here that aren’t necessarily in line with the law. Does Obama want to rile up the crazies even more by actually showing them what the government is capable of or does he want to let the right wing clowns be seen as the bad guys and have that inspire the left to GOTV against them? This election is incredibly important. I know that that is said every time but it really is on this one. I’m sure that you understand all that is on the line.
Unfortunately, there is no exactly right answer here and some group will be pissed no matter what action is or isn’t taken.
It’s definitely unfair to the BLM crowd but they are used to unfair, that is basically their fight. These militia clowns are playing on their privilege which is the opposite side of that coin plus they manage to get by with being prepped for war and basically asking for it, yet another part of their privilege.
This is tedious IOW and the best move most likely won’t be the popular move.
This. When the incident was going on there were all sorts of people going on about how the Feds will just defuse the situation now, but are taking names and will sweep them up after. Except that never happened. Even after two participants, they were there as part of the Bundy gang even if they got disavowed, gunned down a couple cops at a local fast food place. And it turns out doing jack shit apparently also emboldens the nuts going by the 35% increase in activity noted in the article.
Deny Bundy any more farm subsidies. I’m sure he gets millions every year. Cut him off completely and start garnishing any tax refunds he undoubtedly gets.
[Sorta a pouty (but serious) face] Oh, alright. You’re so logical.
Seriously, though, you made some very good points. I wonder if we weren’t so close to an election year if things might play out differently? It’s really tough to tell – and a big reason is we are such a closely divided nation right now … both in the populace and in those in elected office.