It’s my understanding that his aides tried to get him to pay attention to what was going to happen with a divided government and Speaker Pelosi running the House and he wouldn’t listen - quelle surprise.
He won’t listen to anyone.
It’s my understanding that his aides tried to get him to pay attention to what was going to happen with a divided government and Speaker Pelosi running the House and he wouldn’t listen - quelle surprise.
He won’t listen to anyone.
you would think that the guy gets paid by the idiocy.
guess not, though… he’d then be genuinely rich
I think those who live entirely within the right-wing news bubble (and sadly this includes the current POTUS) are surprised when Pelosi does anything other than murder babies or force children into sex slavery. The idea she might be a competent, adult professional who acts with consideration? Never seems to penetrate. Even after this, there will be a week or so of punditry about how innocent, godly Trump was “played” by beltway-demon Nancy, which is about as close to a compliment as they’ll get. Then it will be back to portraying her as Hitler in the flesh again… (Eyeroll)
Best news of today so far:
Drumpf is even stupider than I already thought.
Trump is stupider than anybody can possibly imagine.
“It’s stupid all the way down.”
Sure, but he wasn’t in the pictures, so fail.
‘Why Are They Always So Loyal?’ Trump Was Convinced That Dems Would Cave
Trump hasn’t moved on from his “Great Victory in 2016”. There was an election in November last year and although his name was not in the ballot, it certainly was in the voters’ mind, and he received a sound beating. The democrats are in the majority because the voters wanted Trump opposed. So if the democrats caved they would have failed the first test on their mandate. If voters had wanted Trump agenda implemented they would have voted republican.
I could handle Eddie Haskell.
I DAMN sure can handle YOU.
Let’s put a Texas spin on it…
Y’all both said it first! Pelosi remains the most effective Speaker in my lifetime!
Yes, having right on her side helped. But I doubt any of the ‘new blood’ contenders could have held this so perfectly.
cause and effect
I’d much rather do things that make me feel good about myself … in the end —
everybody in donnie’s circle ends up in jail ----
[ he’ll never figure it out ] –
She’s one of the most effective Speakers in history. And of course, she’s the first woman to hold that position. I couldn’t be more proud.
In his first year Trump proved he is utterly worthless as a negotiating partner when he killed the DACA deal that was going to get him his wall. The Democrats had no reason not to stick together.
Trump did not miscalculate.
He does not have the brains to calculate.
Donnie. (May I call you Donnie?)
It’s like this. You, as a victim of Dumbass -Cunning Syndrome cannot understand, but I’ll say it anyway.
It’s not that the Democrats are so Good.
It’s that you are so Bad. (And the Party you rode in on.)
C. America.
Trump does not get it. A government shut down is a stupid tactic that Americans have time and time again said that they are against. McConnell and Ryan learned that lesson but not the arrogant Trump.
As Napoleon noted “Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.” All the Dems had to do was hold firm while Trump destroyed himself. And being loyal was not that hard because:
Trump stupidly assumed the blame for the shutdown on national TV like a badge of honor.
Democrats hate Trump
Our loyalty is soliidified by the fact that we are in a crusade against Evil, an entity which the GOP has finally revealed itself to be for all to see. Our solidarity must endure until the Evil/GOP is politically eradicated in America, unending vigilence against its vile nature raising its ugly head anytime in the future.
This is essence of Drumpf:
Pure id
Rescue by someone in his crew