Discussion: Who Wore It Best? Rating the Candidates' Iraq Recantations

Discussion for article #236509

I hope at least some of the Republicans stay with the full Monty on this. Remember they had created a new doctrine of Wars of Opportunity, where America could go around the world and fight with various countries for fun and profit. The war in Iraq was going to pay for itself and the Americans would be greeted as liberators. Instead, we eliminated the natural enemy of Iran and increased threats to Israel. There are 4,491 dead Americans and a large number of seriously wounded. Approximately 500,000 Iraqis died in the “War of Opportunity” though some estimates put the number at one million. No precise number will ever be known. The bill, after we have cared for all the veterans, will approach six trillion dollars. So, let’s hear the Republicans stand up for what they believe in.

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there gonna go with the typical BS answer they had bad intel well thats what they wanted the bush admin namely cheney didnt give damm they wanted anything they could hang there hats on relying of crap info from people they knew wernt reliable …it was about bush wanting to be a big bad cowboy and cheney well he’s just an evil greedy prick


I almost pity the writers that have to write these type of columns, with so freaking many people to have to cover.

Rummy says:

Knowing the unknowable at the time it was unknowable is one of the known knowns of the unknowable future…doncha’ know?

So many idiots, so few 2x4s.

Jindahl’s a joke.

He’s an obamafrog, constantly croaking


He has to go there because those bottom-dwelling FOX viewing mouthbreathers he is speaking to are some of the most ignorant and pliant and racially prejudiced people on the planet.