Discussion: Who Is Michele Fiore? The Nevada Assemblywoman Negotiating With Oregon Occupiers

That woman on the open line at the end of the stand-off was not Michele Fiore. It was a self-proclaimed “constitutional expert” named Kris Anne Hart, who had called in to the program for the purpose of promoting her views. She not only didn’t expect to be part of the negotiation, she probably didn’t even know it was happening when she called in.

That said, Michele Fiore did not go to Oregon to be part of it either. She went to try to get the Bundy sons out of jail. When the FBI started to move in last night, the militants called for someone to contact Fiore and let her know they wanted/needed her intervention. She answered that call shortly after she got off the plane to Portland. I will give her credit for handling the situation well once she was pulled into it (primarily last night, very little this morning), but her statement earlier that “our mission was accomplished” is complete BS - her Oregon mission was to try to exert pressure on the federal prison system - until she got waylaid by the events at the refuge…


Exactly. Thank you!

That Christmas card makes me want to call child protective services. I am glad they don’t live next to me. I would be worried about those kids.


I don’t recall seeing Lauren Fox’s byline until yesterday when she was whitewashing an aspiring war criminal as a mere “boisterous billionaire”. Now here she is today calling Michele Fiore “the voice of reason.” Michel Fiore the voice of reason? Get the fuck out of here! Wow that’s two extremist whitewash jobs in 2 days.

Where did you all find this woman? And why do you publish her dreck?

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…a penchant for posing for Second Amendment calendars …

What firearm would Jeebus pack?


Wow-I guess she wishes she was born a man! There’s an operation for that now.

Oh, gross! Can’t unsee!

Is she related to michelle bachman and $ister $arah?!


Well, once she rubbed elbows with all those FBI agents and Oregon State Troopers, she had no choice but to become the “voice of reason.” Hopefully, she learned something about how the Rule of Law is the great equalizer in this Country.

The horse in the picture is more attractive than she is. And believe me, bestiality is not my thing.

Sodium cardinate! I made that in alchemy class once.

Did you know if you mix sodium cardinate and potassium bishopol, you get Papal acid? I hear Pope Francis chews a Rolaids for relief.

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Bible Spice and Rifle Spice.


The obvious dark roots belie any “lush blond hair” description. She has a lot of hair all right. Like Joanie Ernst… I think her genetics put more emphasis on hair than brain cells.


“…emerged as an unexpected voice of reason Wednesday night at the Oregon militia standoff.”

Are you kidding? Seriously, Lauren, are you joking here? She encouraged them before last night into nonsense like this and then kept feeding their delusions on the phone last night.

Seriously? Did you not listen to the live feed and actually hear what she was saying to them? She kept assuring them how right they were and how much the feds were liars who could not be trusted. Seriously?


When I first read the headline I assumed it was satirical.


“As a Las Vegas-based assemblywoman, Fiore sponsored a bill that would allow individuals to carry concealed weapons on college campuses, at elementary through high schools and even at day cares…She’s also suggested that the best way to stop sex trafficking in Nevada would be to implement a “chemical castration or straight-up castration” program for pimps.”

Being a voice of “reason” among the occupiers is an extremely low bar. It’s like saying Beck seems so sane compared to the rest of that right wing talk radio crowd.


Why did TPM post this article. It is offensive on just about every level. To give this person such credit is an insult to all the people who have stood up to people like her and their wacko beliefs. She was part of the problem from the beginning.


What are the editors of this website doing all day, ingesting peyote buttons? “Voice of reason” my motherfucking ass! This idiot bitch was a supporter and instigator, pushing these delusional assholes from the time of Cliven Bundy’s jagoffery in Nevada last year. She should be indicted along with them. What kept the situation from becoming violent or in ending in multiple suicides is because our little freedom fighters are a bunch of stupid cowards. Michele Fiore had nothing to do with it, and neither did that other publicity seeking miscreant, Franklin Graham.
I truly hope the lawyers of the Bundy clan and their partners in grime call her as a character witness. It will be a sure way to guarantee their clients end up with lethal injections.


I’d rather stick my hand down a septic tank.

Michele Fiore’s “moderate social views”? Really, Ms. Fox? I hear there’s an opening over at NewsMax. After an article this ridiculous, I’m surprised some school doesn’t invalidate your journalism degree.