Discussion: Who is Jason Patrick, The Man Now Leading Standoff In Oregon?

And not cake-like edible dicks, either.

The video title says “Peacful”, not “Peaceful”. Maybe there’s a difference.

Republican politicians and the right wing turds who interview them seem oddly quiet while all this is happening.


He’s got a tough road ahead. The dildos, lube and French vanilla creamer are no doubt running low for the hearty patriots in that compound.

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And the award for smartest kid on the short bus goes to…


UPS messed up again! Those dildos and lube were meant to be delivered to me! :stuck_out_tongue:


Moreover, he wants footage that he will immediately claim is doctored or what not.


For the entertainment value? Without Internet access we wouldn’t of had that marvelous fit about the package of dildos.


I would like to offer my condolences to the LEO(s) forced to fire on these criminals.


I hate to admit it, but I find this whole thing vastly entertaining. I’m an Oregon native (now living in Washington), and I spend a great deal of time in rural areas and know several individuals whose beliefs mirror those of these perpetrators. I simply don’t get it. Anyway, my question is, where is Brian Cooper? He’s the muscly guy who had a fake judge show up at his parents house and remove his kids before CPS could and was talking to Pete Santilli just prior to Santilli’s arrest. Allegedly he said he was going to go out in a blaze of glory, but since then there’s been nothing.

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It has been widely reported that they can’t cut services–power, Internet or water–without cutting utility service to large numbers of other homes and businesses without getting within shooting range of the visitor center.

Rural, or, for that matter, suburban, infrastructure doesn’t work the way it does in cities. There aren’t any underground utility access tunnels where you can just sneak in and cut a wire or turn a wheel. You’ve actually got to right onto the property and turn off switches and turn spigots. And even if they cut the Internet cable, they’d still have wireless, unless you think the FBI should eliminate cell coverage for vast numbers of people.

Which makes the rest of what you say as nonsensical as the majority of your posts.


Evidence collection.

Also, it’s pretty useful for tactics, since these boneheads keep discussing them in front of the livestream camera.


He is in custody - turned himself in.

Well yes, their eagerness to incriminate themselves would be another reason to let them stay online even if they’ve figures out a way to shutdown access. And how else are we going to get material for the inevitable “Downfall” parody videos?


Who can tell these Duck Dynasty hillbillies apart, anyway? They all look the same.

I say, ship 'em all back to Moldavia or wherever it is they come from, and then build a wall around 'em.


He bailed out and crawled back to Arizona before all of this went down. Posted a weepy wussy statement on Facebook and begged for money to pay for a lawyer. When the fit hit the shan he did exactly what I expected he would, and what I expect many of these so-called rugged individualist “patriots” would do: cry and fold like a house of cards.

The difference between actual people trained for combat and these weekend gun humping self proclaimed warriors was on full display last night. Hope their care packages had extra clean undies.


Guessing he’s pretty ‘cheesed’ right now, ‘wine-ing’ in his cell about how ‘crumby’ it is to no longer have his dildo collection…

…I’ll let myself out…

It’s like when CBS replaced Charlie Sheen with Ashton Kutcher.


He could be in a right wing militia vampire sequel to “The Lost Boys.”

True dat.