Discussion: White Supremacist Group Exploits Mollie Tibbetts' Death In Robocalls

Speaking of robocalls apparently in FL a white supremacist group is sending one out pretending that it is from Dem Gillum. I haven’t seen what is being said in the call but this too much. We’ve had a Dem Spanberger’s CIA personnel file release by Ryan’s PAC and also spread to other groups. This is despicable, and I’ve yet to hear is Ryan has said anything on this.
So all these tactics tell me is that they have nothing to run on . They don’t want to run on Trump’s golden oldies so it’s smear, smear, and smear some more.


I’m seeing this propaganda popping up on the gullible’s pages, and I think it’s going to get worse. It doesn’t take a white supremacist to do these nasty things. Just ask McCain’s family.

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And this was in NJ, where, presumably, the racist attitudes and slurs were not as over the top and worn on the sleeve as in the States of the former Confederacy…

“…not as over the top and worn on the sleeve as in the States of the former Confederacy…”

I lived there 25 yrs, worked part of that time in Manhattan. Racial and ethnic bigotries were deep and strong, but mostly underground. Don’t know if anything has changed. .


No. They had no decency at short first.


I feel your pain, but we must recall that a large segment of our population is only semi-literate, could not pass a 7th grade civics test. Ever see the citizenship test? Simple, 1/3 US native-born Americans flunk it. 98% of new citizens pass it. I cringe at some of the letters to our local suburban daily. These letters are from white and elderly citizens. I wrote a letter once. One of our town fathers – a draft dodger I learned – called me a commie.


Cable TV news is sloppy and rushed and so is incomplete. Too often it relies on the quick hits of tweets to inform us about the activity within the admin. While headlines if written properly can inform, nothing can replace long form reporting by a team of journalists or even just one very competent individual. It’s what I prefer, but I follow a few people on Twitter, David Corn, Tribe, and their tweets serve a purpose. We all have shorter attention spans that we used to, too much incoming and for me a sense of bombardment.


As with the “news”, for REPUGS if it bleeds then blame it on a Democrat. Or those nasty nasty Liberals. Then never forget the Socialists, POC or any other group they can blame. Anything but their policies…

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No, that would be a step too far. Thoughts and Prayers you know…


Been there, done that… it is a badge of honor…

Not much different than other news, story must fit into the 10/12 seconds between commercials.

Propaganda does not equal Free Speech, and thus shall not be coveted under the First Amendment of our Constitution!

I arrived in Manhattan in 1977 and lived near NYU for 12 years before moving to Queens. The racism was just under the surface, in the Italian enclave centered on Carmine and Bleecker Sts just East of 6th Avenue (I am half Italian, so Italian racists in NY really piss me off, having heard from my Italian mother the racism Italians faced in many US places) was often manifested by the shop owners and patrons. And once Ed Koch became Mayor, he fractured the Civil Rights Coalition (Catholic ethnics and Jewish folks in solidarity with Black folks) and engaged in the NYC variant of the Dog Whistle eventually brandished by Donald Trump immediately after the Central Park Jogger case broke. So, it does not surprise me that in NJ it was also evident. Plus, I understand that Newark had a former cop Mayor who was Rizzo 2.0.

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People throw “commie” and “fascist,” “socialist” around with no idea what those words mean.
We had neighbors, who were no more communist that I am a Buddhist, hounded by the old HUAC Star Chamber. Grandpa attended a “jobs rally” in the 30’s, never knowing that the CPUSA ran the rally.

BTW, ya got a cool avatar. Keep the faith, soldier.

Thank You…

Trump Administration Withholds 100K Pages Of Brett Kavanaugh’s Records
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer called it “a Friday night document massacre.”

Something to hide???

Edit to ad: Schumer said Senate Republicans and Trump “are colluding to keep… Kavanaugh’s records secret, and trying to hide their actions from the American people by doing it on the Friday night of a holiday weekend. What are they trying so desperately to hide?”


Well that doesn’t look suspicious or anything. Something to hide - hell yeah!


Classy family. I know them