Discussion: White Nationalists Are Lovin' Trump's Delayed Condemnation Of Hate Groups

Nuff said.


Or maybe on the West Antarctic ice sheet.


What? They’re not satisfied with Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and North Dakota?


Ok, I admit it. I’m an optimist. My damn glass is half full and there is nothing I can do about it.

I read this stuff, and I think “Excellent! They are flushing the Nazi rats out of the bushes and crowning the King Nazi Rat for all to see!!”

And then I read this article, and I am totally uplifted. I’m proud, I’m moved, and I’m about to figure out how to make a donation to a local political campaign – in Charlottesville VA:


But not ALL white people. Not the ones who associate with those “other” folks. Got to have standards, you know,

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Can’t condemn what you belong to!!



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[quote=“sniffit, post:16, topic:60568”]
Do you see it? The circular logic “hidden” by the code speak? When Pence or these white nationalist fucks refer to the “values that we share” they mean the values defined by white Christian culture. He basically just said that Trump will “call” the country to “recognize that us white folks should win and be allowed to dominate all aspects of our country’s governance and culture, and then everything will be honky dory!”
[/quote]It’s really quite simple to the simple-minded.

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Separation = Leave! Get out! America does not want you. GO! Fill up a Lear, like Noah did the Ark, & Just GO!!

I am a Realist, same song different day! GTFO!! …leave!! Two centuries later & ain’t nothing changed but the names of the players in this RACIST game. Leave & revoke their citizenship.

Indeed. There must needs be those who will, of course, be sacrificed for the cause, bless their shriveled blackened little hearts. But hey, I think it was pretty clear from the get-go when we did away with slavery and then the CRA was passed and decisions like Brown v Board started happening: the oligarchs and would-be masters of the universe decided “if we can’t keep THEM as slaves, then we’ll just make all of you our slaves.”

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“…if the counter-demonstrators would not have showed up, there would have been no violence at all.”

In other words:

“If those damn victims would stop getting in the way of my fists, clubs, cars, and other weapons, nobody would get hurt!”


They’re free to establish their white ethnostate in international waters any time they want. The only reason they don’t is because it’s hard work and they wouldn’t have government protection. They don’t want this so much as they want someone else to be forced to do it for them.


There’s some land in Oklahoma that the Cherokee Nation would no doubt be willing to let them have at a nice price.
Of course they’d have to walk there.


I thought that the complaints about the counterdemonstrators were more along the lines of “How dare the Poles interfere with our manifest destiny for eastward expansion!”

Looks like Boston pulled the permit for the Nazi march coming up. Many sides will reject organized Nazi protests…many sides.


I also think most of this would go away if these guys could get a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, -whether they know it or not.


I see the internal alt-right finger-pointing is starting:

Spencer: “We were set up. Charlottesville was a set up!”

I’m seeing this all over. “Soros infiltrated our march and set us up.”

What this means is that the event they were so jubilantly hailing as a conquest yesterday, they now view as a dismal failure.


I doubt Vermont, Southern Maine(called Northern Massachusetts by some Mainers) or Southern NH would want them. All are progressive areas. Now ND, northern Maine and northern NH would maybe work.


At Appomattox Court House in 1865, Bobby Lee was not quoted saying “So Much Winning”.

You lost the war of southern treason 152 years ago, goobers.

Deal with it.