“My supporters are passionate. If they’re passionate about being white, well, free speech is what makes America great. Let’s make America great again!”
Instead, the MSM will decide it has to treat open raw racism as a valid viewpoint and the “argument” between racist shitstains and everyone else as just another on the one hand, on the other hand, whichever side is right, one thing sure is that this controversy isn’t going away anytime soon thing.
Hey asshole, why not just make bumper stickers, “Puny White Nationalists for Trump”!
So Taylor, how did you get in? You were born in Japan.
Trump has let the White, Racist, Genie out of the bottle, and that cracker ain’t going back in for quite some time.
I expect Trump to begin using the words “Ni(CLANG!)”, “Wetbacks”, “Hajjiis”, and “Gooks” by the time of the convention as he smugly settles in to being the Republican Presidential Candidate and holds court to MILLIONS of rapturous supporters who will be encouraged to physically attack anyone who opposes him. The Police will do NOTHING as most of them support him already.
He will encourage the Militia types to finally take up arms against the US Government (but only in remote locations) by ratcheting up the anti-obama rhetoric and will become a HERO to closet-racists everywhere.
The Media will be too scared of losing access to him, and too enthralled with him (take your pick) to do anything about it, content to give him all the FREE airtime he wants because it means RATINGS and he will DOMINATE the airwaves with the John Bircher Billionaire/Adelson/Perkins Ad $$$ backing him.
Encouraged by this the Republican Legislatures will turn the Voter Suppression up to 11 and the SCOTUS will sit on it’s hands content to let is all play out as the Federalist Society wants it to.
It’s going to get very, very ugly out there.
Trump reminds me of Mussolini more each day and it is looking more and more like 1922 Italy all over again as he follows Mussolini’s play book step by step.
For those who have not yet discovered it, the man behind these robo-calls, William Daniel Johnson, aka James O.Pace, in the 1980s proposed a Constitutional amendment to repeal the 14th & 15th amendments and replace them with the following:
> “No person shall be a citizen of the United States unless he is a non-Hispanic white of the European race, in whom there is no ascertainable trace of Negro blood, nor more than one-eighth Mongolian, Asian, Asia Minor, Middle Eastern, Semitic, Near Eastern, American Indian, Malay or other non-European or non-white blood, provided that Hispanic whites, defined as anyone with an Hispanic ancestor, may be citizens if, in addition to meeting the aforesaid ascertainable trace and percentage tests, they are in appearance indistinguishable from Americans whose ancestral home is in the British Isles or Northwestern Europe. Only citizens shall have the right and privilege to reside permanently in the United States.”
— William Daniel Johnson (as “James O. Pace”), Amendment to the Constitution
Trump and his followers might be wise to remember an old wisdom attributed to Ben Franklin, "He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."
Part of me can actually see the establishment candidates loving this. At the very least, I’d be surprised if Cruz, shrewd as that mongoose is, doesn’t find a way to attack with this.
No way other Republicans will attack on this. They want those white hooded votes as badly as Trump does.
“We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture," he said. "Vote Trump.”
Trumpley is building his base. We should not underestimate American stupid. We’ve been cultivating it for more than a century.
Every four years here in NH I contemplate disconnecting my land line. This might push me over the edge.
Josh says this group is an avowed white nationalist group and is running campaign advertisements in this commentary;
I’d argue that the republican party is an avowed white nationalist group, just a little and I mean very little, more subtle.