Discussion: White Nationalist Jared Taylor Sues Twitter Over Ban

Last time I looked, nazis weren’t a protected class and didn’t fall under that new fangled bullshit religious exemption conservatives love to tout who are big on demanding opposition to gay marriage and contraception on religious grounds. Even that has a way of twisting the law into pretzels merely to accommodate assholes who are really using religion to justify their bigotry.


If our stupid government (Immoral Republicans like McConnell and Ryan) can’t define Nazis and white nationalism as hate speech separate from free speech then the private sector needs to do it!

If Republicans refuse to get the guns off our streets and out of our schools and neighborhoods nationally, then the people will!

The Constitution is a living document…Ted Nugent is an idiot! Repeal the 2nd amendment…we now have a standing army. We no longer need civilians with guns in their homes as part of a ‘well regulated militia’. The founding fathers knew guns and they never intended citizen’s to own guns without being members of a well regulated militia. Follow all the words and the context! Stop allowing Ted Nugent and the NRA to twist and lie about the constitution!

If they don’t get rid of all the guns, then bring back the Black Panthers and we’ll see how long Ted Nugent and his Arsenal lasts! Ted will tuck his tail and run…like Trump, Nugent is a draft dodger!

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He’s bit—ng that Twittah is a public utility and he’s as much a victim as those he has harassed.


Gee, now Jared Taylor knows what its like to be discriminated against . . . only this time, its legal!

What a schmuck.

Good for Twitter for making a well-deserved decision.


I’m betting the kid just got goosed…


Don’t confuse right wing with conservative. He is not a conservative he is a right winger.

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Apparently, Twitter did a big bot purge over the last couple days and many RWNJ’s are complaining about their shrinking follower numbers. Accounts that met the algorithm specs for bot-like behavior were shut down. Some folks who were not bots, but re-tweeted material in a bot-like fashion were apparently swept up in the tide. They’ve also got tougher on hate speech which is specifically banned in the user agreement, but rarely enforced. I suspect much of this law suit stuff is part of that…

Andy Borowitz took the news and ran with it at:


Hi Canadian - This is your Self. You’ve been doing a great job lately. But I also want to remind you that if you work for a company, do not write a memo and circulate it about how 1/2 the staff are unfit for your company’s work demands due to their gender and skin color. Now go back to what you were doing and go easy on the pastrami sandwiches.

No, he’s a self-absorbed racist shit head with a gross misunderstanding of genetics…

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On the one hand this is a good thing. On the other hand, let’s hope none of the PTB at twitter ever decide that liberals don’t deserve accounts.

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Jared, the Constitution guarantees you the right of free speech, not the right to be on a private social medium called “Twitter.” Now, if you make the argument that you have to “interpret” the Constitution to include Twitter, then you open the door to interpreting the Second Amendment to mean only soldiers should have guns.

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Why do they all have crazy eyes?

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This (Taylor)… Is what evil looks like.

Discovery in this case will be so luscious.

It’s it ADORABLE how they think they have a constitutional right to Twitter?

Me too! Do you think we could file a class action?