Discussion: White Nationalist Coast Guard Officer Researched Mass Murder At Work

Imagine learning that the guy in the cubicle one over, or in the office next door, had been googling mass murderers at work, and considering alternatives for attempting to kill almost everyone on the planet. ~shiver~

Glad he has been caught.


What, youā€™ve never worked with people that you were pretty sure had dead prostitutes buried in their backyard or basement?


In a 2017 draft email he wrote to an American neo-Nazi, he calls himself a ā€œlong time White Nationalistā€ with dreams of building a ā€œwhite homelandā€ through ā€œa little focused violence.ā€

Steve King, you have your answer.


He canā€™t look at porn and recipes like the rest of us?


What are they going to DO about this guy? I know that Trump and Co. want to take away the citizenship of some teenager that became a ā€˜brideā€™ to ISIS fighters but what about this Coastie? Really? He didnā€™t ā€˜act on his obsessionā€™ soā€¦all is forgiven? He only want to kill the ā€˜liberalsā€™ so no biggie? Will he be stripped of HIS citizenship or is that reserved for brown skinned girls who got birthright citizenship that all Cons know is not REALLY ā€˜realā€™ no matter what that silly Constitution says?


When a guy who was considered for a job as a Trump lawyer can go on a talk show and say weā€™re in a civil war and people should buy guns, we obviously have more than a rando crazy person problem. If the Democrats donā€™t start talking consistently and more about that craziness Iā€™m not sure who will.


Was he trying to get caught? He was doing this on his work computer. Heā€™s an utter moron - thank heavens.


Say, isnā€™t the US Coast Guard part of the Department of Homeland Security?

Why yes. Yes it isā€¦


The founding myths of the nation (Manifest Destiny, ā€œfreedomā€ = a white man can do any damn thing he wants, etc) will never stop punishing us. The roots of white supremacy will never be eradicated. Hasnā€™t helped any that a certain political party keeps opening canisters of it and dousing the population to win elections, but even without that we appear to be doomed.


And he was on Steroids.

Steroids and guns. Breakfast of champions.



Hate to like the comment but I sure agree with it - x millions.

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So glad to hear he was able to use his work computer so much of the time. Your tax dollars at work.



Sounds reasonable, except

How about this: you can indulge (1) your homicdal fantasies; or (2) your gun hobby; but not both.

Long past time for some responsibilities to go along with those 2nd Amendment rights.

Yeah; zealots willfully forget about the well regulated part of the 2nd Amendment. With such language, one should expect inspections, jaunty jingles, proper hats, and mandatory, organized outings that help to identify the loonies owning guns.

Wow, that is NOT the US Coast Guard HQ that I visited frequently in the '80s and early '90s.