Discussion: White House: 'We Didn't Threaten' Sotloff, Foley Families

News Alert: Shame on ABC , AC360 and NEWSTAINERS for exploiting Foley tragedy…
Zizi2 exposes your crime of trafficking of human tragedy. EXCELLENT READ!!


It’s time to hold MSM accountable… GOTV 2014

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My heart aches for these families. Not only is your son killed but his death is all over the internet. However, at this point I think it’s just anger and politics. We don’t negotiate with terrorists. It’s been that way for decades. If you want to and again, I don’t blame them for that, then be prepared to pay the consequences.


Would you feel better if James Baker told you it was illegal to pay ransoms to terrorist organizations?

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You can’t move $100 million without anybody noticing.

If you support changing the law you should say so.