Discussion: White House: ‘Unfortunate’ If Widow Of Fallen Soldier ‘Misunderstood’ Trump

Zooming out a bit I think we’re being treated to this barrage of obscenity to obscure the fallout from the Trump Doctrine: the principle that US foreign policy at all times is contingent upon the president’s personal and economic interests.

I cannot measure the loss, the sacrifice you’ve made. I humbly offer the thanks of your country.
There is nothing we can tell you except that your loved one died defending freedom in a place that does not yet know freedom. S/he was proud, brave, and committed to his/her fellow soldiers. S/he hated war, but recognized that sometimes peace requires a sacrifice measured in blood.

We honor and share your pain.


You’re answering the question in a liberal, decent, common sense tone.

Not heard of in the Drumpf era where “Attack Attack Attack!” is the call of the day.

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I need a more concise summary.

I’m not quite ready to go there; a lot of families didn’t speak. It doesn’t surprise me that the ones who came out publicly to defend Trump were white, or that those who criticize him are black. What we do know is that the responses have been a disorganized clusterfuck aside from the possible-to-probable racial bias.

I posted this on Lindsey Graham article.

In Tiffany’s convention speech she tells the story about how he comforted her when some one close to her died, so can he only do this to girls named Tiffany, blondes, or what?

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You know the author is infamous for his fucked-up usage of Twitter? I couldn’t stand it and didn’t add him to the follow until only a few months ago. I am still like, Dude, please go to Medium and do your shit. :expressionless:

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Trump will always make the wrong choice. Always. Indeed, I’m surprised he didn’t pick Sarah Palin to be his running mate.

Give it time, give it time…

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Ah , Ms Sanders was the Morons translator THIS time .

We can’t ever expect Trump to apologize. He is never wrong. Huckabee has the impossible job of lying for the President. But for the rest of her life her lack of credibility and integrity will mark her.


"Republican Margaret Hoover agreed, saying that Kelly was giving a very honest and emotional talk “and then he went down the Spicer route,” "

Took the wrong exit ramp and ended up here…

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Trump will go on with this until he got the last word. And after that he will repeat this, combining with so called Fake News. He can’t put it behind him, and adding calling names to it… and so on

General Kelly’s reputation knew what it signed up for.


I wish somebody would smack that trailer-trash bitch right upside her head. She is disgusting.

Yeah, actually I knew about him, but I’d tried to read it earlier anyway. Turns out paragraphs are a pretty good thing. Who knew?

That anecdote sounded like such a stretch. No details, and I’ll bet she brought up the subject on her yearly allowance call.

My father is good with advice, as you might guess, but he keeps it short and the takeaway is usually the same, to help us find our own way and our own gifts.

I don’t doubt his “advice” is short, lol. That part about “finding her own way” sounds like Trump telling her nope, not a dime for college, talk to your mom. Not to mention, it’s somewhat at odds with his push to eliminate the inheritance tax.

Will there be guard towers facing inward?

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Oh, and pardon me- is my eye hurting your elbow?

Excellent, but you need to get two more in there:

Have a former general hireling smear all the people who heard and reported the communication, including name calling and making up a totally fabricated story of a first person report of what one of them said publicly, and claim others who were there had the same negative reaction.

Then have a Christian woman hireling tell the press that the former general’s completely disproved story was not to be questioned because he used to be a general.

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