Discussion: White House: Trump Won't Pardon Arpaio At Arizona Rally Tuesday

This will give Trump something to stew about as he heads for AZ.

Mitch McConnell, the Senate leader, privately doubts whether President Trump can salvage his administration. They have not spoken in weeks.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017 5:04 PM EDT
The relationship between President Trump and Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, has disintegrated to the point that they have not spoken to each other in weeks, and Mr. McConnell has privately expressed uncertainty that Mr. Trump will be able to salvage his administration after a series of summer crises.


Youthinks wrong.

The President can pardon anyone for any crime against the United States at any time after a crime is (allegedly) committed. Before sentencing, before conviction, even before indictment.

Ex parte Garland, 71 U.S. 333 (1866)
The Constitution provides that the President “shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

The power thus conferred is unlimited, with the exception stated. It extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken or during their pendency or after conviction and judgment. This power of the President is not subject to legislative control. Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.


NBC news(Eamon Javers earlier today)“Arpaio, a controversial figure who has been accused of racial profiling…”
Convicted, you hack. Convicted.
Accused, convicted, what’s the difference?
Ask Manofort or Flynn.
Or ask Ty Cobb.
Betcha all three know.
As will another guy if the difference can be summarized in a tweet.
(If his name’s included he’s more likely to read it.)


No pardon “today”. Tomorrow is another day. Still, you never know.


“There will be no discussion of that today at any point, and no action will be taken on that front at any point today,” Sanders told pool reporters on Air Force One


As I said up thread…I goofed.

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Maybe trump doesn’t care about an agenda. Like his wall, tax reform, or infrastructure repair. Maybe he just wanted to throw tantrums like a spoiled child.

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brilliant. and fits the tune perfectly.


Trump won’t pardon Arpaio at Arizona rally on Tuesday.

Until he does pardon him.

Then all bets are off.

Do they really think the vast majority of Americans are that stupid? As soon as they say they AREN’T going to do something, they’ve already put the plan in motion to actually do it.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. Huckabee-Sanders is always wrong and always has to walk things back.


You’re sneaky. I like that in a person.


Of course it won’t be done while anybody is actually looking.

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Trump isn’t going to pardon Arpaio?!? You mean I missed the solar eclipse and came all the way to Phoenix for nothing?!? I haven’t been this disappointed since Brad and Angelina split up.


Trump to Rally: "Everything I told you gullible rubes was a complete lie, just to get you to vote for me. Idiots!"

Rally Attendees (in deafening roar): “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!”


But Glower McFrownyface’s credibility is at stake! Surely Trump won’t undermine a fulsomely faithful supporter and reliable underling!


When does Trump ever do anything he ‘promises’ to do? Ever? Anyone? Buehler? Mueller?


Again, we should expect trump to pardon him.

Right now the GOP members are playing varying versions of white supremacist peek a boo & hot potato.


He’ll do it Weds

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Nope. Sentencing in October. I think 6 mo is max

Arpaio looks a bit like W.C. Fields and I can truly say “You’d like to have a nose like that full of nickels, wouldn’t you?”