She’s become a regular Madame DeBarge, hasn’t she?
Her only game is to lie.
It was just lying there.
Endgame coming into view. Trump is now refusing to do his job, looks to me like a trial balloon for eventual resignation. I’ll give him this, resigning is a sure-fire legal strategy for avoiding impeachment.
So, if Pelosi stating the obvious is over the top and inappropriate, then Barr claiming that the FBI was spying on the T rumpp campaign was out of bounds, too, then, huh? Pick your poison. No take-backs.
I agree with you that the key takeaway is Trump just not doing his job. Republicans can put up with a lot, but if Trump stops the government in its tracks, they’ll have to do something.
In fact, I think this is something Pelosi already understood. She has been waiting for Trump to start pouting.
Straight into the indictments of the SDNY.
This seems like a win-win somehow.
“I was babbling a little, but I got my point across in a polite and direct fashion,” Wilkinson said. “I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation.
“I said, ‘I’d like to ask you to leave.’ ”
The one year anniversary of the ‘Red Hen’ incident is June 22.
Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn every once in a while…
I just adore Sarah’s new “I smoked so much meth last night that I overslept in my beanbag chair and didn’t have time to brush my hair or tweeze my unibrow” look.
It totally complements her soullessness.
I don’t know whether she doesn’t understand what an analogy is, or what kind of logic goes into a good analogy, or if it is so lame/unapplicable because it is almost impossible to find analogous behaviors to those of Trump - that somehow make the underlying behavior seem not so bad - and thus pull of the victimhood angle she is going for.
Like Barr, who very likely has ties to Opus Dei, SHS is a true believer. The lying, cheating, malevolence is all required to achieve the greater good, so it’s all good. Trump is their imperfect vessel.
Not so much for avoiding prosecution.
"'If I’m con-victed there
I’ll serve my sentence there’
It’s up to you, New York New York"
Does she ever?
I think you’re right on this. This doesn’t feel like just the end of the beginning but more, the other way around. As you say, if Rump’s really not gonna do nothin’ until October 2020, then he has very little ammunition with which to get elected with. Of course, he’s got the 30-36% of the country that would vote for him if his dead corpse was propped up in the Oval Office and no more.
But, - if he resigns, then the minute he sets foot outside the door,he runs into the guys wearing the blue FBI jackets.
I don’t know if Satan is a Republican, but republicans sure love Satan.
Don’t they accuse the evil Muslims of doing exactly the same thing?
Maybe “Lying for the Lord” might be a basis for some ecumenicalism?
Major props and a big sloppy kiss to the first network newsperson who says to Sarah, “Guuuuurl, you are such a goddamned liar!”
What the fuck? Is she just going through the motions with this shit?