Discussion: White House Thinks It Has The Votes For House O'Care Repeal Vote This Week

Uh, that one he’s missed completely. Grating smarm, he has in plenty.

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I wonder if this is how trump made his real estate deals: just come back with a slightly different version of the same crap until the other side either walks away (in which case they’re “losers”) or just gives up.

(It makes me think of a story told by a friend who was at the time a corporate lawyer, about a merger he was involved in negotiating: sometime around 3 in the morning on the nth day of round-the-clock talks, my friend brings up (for the aleph-third time) a paragraph that the other lawyer had thought was settled, and the other lawyer cracks: “Okay!” he says, “I don’t care anymore! Put whatever you want in there and we’ll sign it.” My friend, who had a reputation for high-minded behavior, called a break in the negotiations rather than take immediate advantage. But, he said, a more seasoned M&A lawyer would have taken the opposing lawyer at his word and made it stick.)

Congress is different, because they really don’t have the same kind of deadlines. Except for a few bills a year.

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Most people are cautious because they have something to lose. What is infuriating is that the press can’t seem to understand that it is the right and the modern Republican party that is radical, and that the modern day Democratic party is basically an extension of FDR’s New Deal, but a lot more inclusive of minorities and committed to equal rights. Sanders would be radical in some of his pronouncements, perhaps, but most of what he talks about is still basically making existing programs (student aid, Medicare) available on a more generous or universal basis. His policies are not nearly as radical as his (to me) irksome rhetoric about Wall Street.


Very possible. Anything’s possible.

And yet…


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The more we find out about how long this Russian influence has been active in the Ratwing, and the Populist Left, the more I feel like you and I and the people around here and the people who voted for Hillary are the only damn Americans left in America.


I briefly read this, and all I can say is that there are some people who are really and truly willing to be played. The idea that Democrats care more about protecting the interests of wealthy people than Trump is basically insane. It’s so insane that I have to believe that something else was going on. And if some people really believed that, it’s hard to see how they could continue to believe it.


Chiselin’ Trump: “We would have won the vote on the first bill in a landslide, if you deduct the millions of representatives who voted illegally.”

I don’t believe the 200 or so protesters who show up routinely outside of my Representative’s office will stop expressing their displeasure over the prospect of 24,000,000 losing their health care coverage.


This dog and pony show will keep going until it becomes politically toxic to keep playing it.


It’s pretty breathtaking I agree, though Trump played the “faux populist” and told the WWC and disgruntled former Bernie supporters that he agreed with them on things like TPP, NAFTA and probably got some of them to vote for him because of that and/or their anger/dislike of Hillary.

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One of the most revealing anecdotes I heard about Trump during the campaign was that there were always multiple lawyers involved in dealings with him to keep him from being able to lie and get away with it. For all of the shortcomings of the press, at least there are always lots of eyes on him so as to, if not keep him honest, at least ensure that there is no way for him to easily wiggle out of his pronouncements. This must be why he REALLY loathes the press.


Corbyn is really really bad at his job, though. REALLY bad. Some of Labour’s problem is just…Corbyn.

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It is insane, but think about where they get their news.

Now, one sign that we Dems haven’t really started trying to turn the false impression around is that the talking points about Trumppcare have focused on its cruel impact on health insurance coverage. Trumppcare should be rechristened by the Democrats as a giant tax cut for the wealthy, paid for by cutting Medicare and taking insurance away from millions of people.

Heard much about the giant tax cut for the wealthy lately? The answer should be “yes” if the GOP is talking about Trumppcare.